The Best Boy (Storm's Additions Mod)

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The Best Boy
  • The Best Boy (Storm's Additions Mod).png The Best Boy Placed (Storm's Additions Mod).png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Dimensions6 × 4
Tooltip'You will be missed!'
RarityRarity level: 9
Buy / Sell1 / 20

The Best Boy is a painting that can be purchased from the Zoologist for 1 at any time. The picture contains a red lurcher collar on a dark background, the same collar that the mod creator's dog had before he was put down. This painting serves as a tribute to the dog.


  • The picture has the same border as the SparkySparky painting, which is also a painting as a tribute to a deceased dog.
The collar the painting is based off of.