Wormhole (Secrets Of The Shadows)
The Wormhole is an Anomaly that spawns in a random place across the world. Two will spawn each Anomaly Tick.
Before completing all gemlocks, the Wormhole cannot be interacted with, and trying to get close to it with push you away, making it an obstacle in the early game. The Wormhole has seven coloured rings, each of which relate to one gemlock. When the respective gemlock is opened, the ring will dissapear and the Wormhole will expand by one stage.
At stage 0, the starting stage, the inside of the wormhole is completely black.
At stage 1, with one Gemlock completed, you can see 1 tile of where the other wormhole is.
At stage 2, with two Gemlocks completed, you can see 9 tiles of where the other wormhole is.
At stage 3, with three Gemlock completed, you can see 21 tiles of where the other wormhole is.
At stage 4, with four Gemlock completed, you can see 37 tiles of where the other wormhole is.
At stage 5, with five Gemlock completed, you can see 69 tiles of where the other wormhole is.
At stage 6, with six Gemlock completed, you can see 97 tiles of where the other wormhole is.
At stage 7, with all Gemlocks completed, you can see 137 tiles of where the other wormhole is.
At stage 7, getting close to the Wormhole will greyscale the world around you, and pull you into the Wormhole. Wormhole Conversion and Wormhole Teleportation is now avaliable.
Wormhole Teleportation
To teleport through one Wormhole location to the other Wormhole location, jump in the Wormhole. After teleporting the Wormhole will close for 20 seconds, in which the Wormhole will slowly grow back to normal size again.
Wormhole Conversion
To make all the items with the Wormhole, you will need to throw the items into the Wormhole, then travel throught the Wormhole to pick them up on the other side.
The Wormhole Conversion item also allows access to the crafting recipes like most every other crafting recipe.
Making the Wormhole Conversion item will remove the Wormhole until the next Anomaly Tick.