Voidspace Emblem (Secrets Of The Shadows)

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Voidspace Emblem
  • Voidspace Emblem item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipIncreases void damage and magic damage by 10%
Increases void crit by 10%
Critical strikes heal small amounts of void
Reduces void cost by 8%
Increases void gain by 4 and max void by 50
Regenerate void when hit
Immunity to broken armor and ichor
RarityRarity level: 8

The Voidspace Emblem is a craftable Hardmode Accessory. When equipped, it increases magic and void damage by 10%, void critical strike chance by 10%, void regenerated by 4 and maximum void by 50. Additionally, it decreases void used by 8%, causes the player to regenerate 3 void when damaged, and provides immunity to Broken Armor and Ichor.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)