Cursed armor (Secrets Of The Shadows)

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Cursed armor
  • Cursed armor item sprite
  • Cursed armor equipped (female)
Set BonusPress the 'Armor Set' key to change the Ruby Monolith into an offensive stance
While in offensive stance, decrease the cooldown of Curse Flaring by 80%
However, increases void drain by 6 instead of increasing void regeneration speed by 10%
RarityRarity level: 5

Cursed Armor is a craftable Pre-Hardmode Armor. It requires 20 Cursed Matter, 20 Keystone Shards, a Ruby Keystone and Any Gem Robe.

The full set grants the following stats and bonuses (this includes the set bonus):

  • 10 defense
  • Increases magic damage and void damage by 8%
  • Increases magic crit chance and void crit chance by 5%
  • Increases maximum mana and void by 80
  • Reduces mana and void usage by 15%
  • The closest enemy to you is affected with a curse.
  • When the affected enemy receives damage, it will flare up and it and nearby enemies will receive 140% damage for a very short duration.
  • Summons a Ruby Monolith by your side, granting the Ruby Monolith Defense buff.
  • The Monolith gives you an increased void regeneration speed by 10% and reduces damage taken by 5%
  • Pressing the Armor Set key converts the monolith into an offensive stance, replacing the previously mentioned buff with the Ruby Monolith Attack buff
  • The Monolith will then give you an increased void drain by 6 and an 10% increase to void damage


Cursed Hood
  • Cursed Hood item sprite
Body slotHelmet
Tooltip*Increases magic damage and void damage by 8%
Increases magic crit chance and void crit chance by 5%
The closest enemy to you is afflicted with a curse
Upon taking damage, cursed enemies will Flare, dealing 140% additional damage to it and other nearby enemies
This effect has a 2 second cooldown
Cursed Robe
  • Cursed Robe item sprite
Body slotShirt
TooltipIncreased maximum mana and void by 80
Reduced mana and void usage by 15%
Summons a Ruby Monolith to your side
The Ruby Monolith increases your void regeneration speed by 10%



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)


Both tooltips fail to mention the two extra buffs, however the Ruby Monolith Defense and Ruby Monolith Attack buffs do properly address the stat buffs.