The Core (Orchid Mod)

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The Core
  • The Core item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage200 (Shamanic)
Knockback4.15 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time24 (Fast)
TooltipShoots life-seeking essence bolts
The number of projectiles depends on the number of active shamanic empowerments
'You can feel heartbeats emanating from the staff'
RarityRarity level: 10
 Obtained from
Moon LordMoon Lord110%

The Core is a Hardmode shamanic weapon that has a chance to be obtained from the Moon Lord. On use, it fires essence bolt projectiles that, after traveling for a short distance, bounce in midair, traveling towards the nearest enemy to damage them. By default, between 1 to 2 essence bolts are fired per weapon use, but the upper limit increases by 1 with every active shamanic empowerment, up to a maximum of firing between 1 to 7 essence bolts per weapon use.

Hitting enemies provides the Level V Life Regeneration Empowerment to the player.

Its best modifier is Ethereal.


  • The Moon Lord may only drop either The Core or the Nirvana when defeated, and cannot drop both at once.