Shamanic Empowerment Potion (Orchid Mod)

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Shamanic Empowerment Potion
  • Shamanic Empowerment Potion item sprite
Stack digit 3.pngStack digit 0.png
Use time16 (Very fast)
TooltipIncreases the effectiveness of all your shamanic empowerments
Grants BuffOrchid Mod/Shamanic EmpowermentShamanic Empowerment
Buff duration3 minutes
Buff tooltipIncreases the effectiveness of all your shamanic empowerments
RarityRarity level: 1

The Shamanic Empowerment Potion is a buff potion that, when consumed, provides the player the Shamanic Empowerment buff, which Increases the effectiveness of all shamanic Empowerments by one level.

The buff lasts for three minutes and, like all buffs, can be canceled at any time by right-clicking the icon.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Orchid Mod/Shamanic Empowerment PotionShamanic Empowerment PotionPlaced BottlePlaced Bottle
Alchemy TableAlchemy Table
total: 1 row(s)