Enchanted Rune (Orchid Mod)

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Template:Orchid Mod/1.4 only

Enchanted Rune
  • Enchanted Rune item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage25 (Opposing)
Knockback3 (Very weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time30 (Average)
TooltipSurrounds you with enchanted sparkles
RarityRarity level: 1

The Enchanted Rune is a Pre-Hardmode rune that can be found in Gold Chests underground. It consumes 2 Slams to spawn 4 sparkle projectiles split into 2 opposite-moving orbits a distance from the player, damaging enemies that come into contact with them. The enchanted sparkles last for 60 seconds.

The Enchanted Rune cannot be reforged, and therefore cannot have modifiers.

Template:Orchid Mod/Master Template Content