Terra Booster (Metroid Mod)

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Terra Booster
  • Terra Booster item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage150 (Hunter)
Critical chance8%
TooltipAllows the user to run insanely fast and extra mobility on ice
Allows somersaulting
Damages enemies while running or somersaulting
Damage scales off enemy's contact damage
Allows the user to jump up to 10 times in a row
Jumps recharge mid-air
Holding left/right while jumping midair gives a boost
Provides the ability to walk on water and lava
Grants immunity to fire blocks and 7 seconds of lava immunity
Increases jump height and prevents fall damage
RarityRarity level: 9

The Terra Booster is a movement accessory which combines the incredible movement ability of the Terraspark Boots with the high-speed and offensive capabilities of the Screw Space Booster.

Like all accessories that make use of the Speed Booster, users can perform a Shine Spark by pressing ▼ Down after moving fast enough in a single direction, then pressing Jump.


ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Metroid Mod/Terra BoosterTerra BoosterAncient ManipulatorAncient Manipulator
total: 2 row(s)

Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Metroid Mod/Celestial BoosterCelestial BoosterBy Hand
total: 1 row(s)