Gothivia's Holstering Brooch (Lunar Veil)

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Gothivia's Holstering Brooch
  • Gothivia's Holstering Brooch item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipHalves the mana cost of any magic weapon!
+15% Magic damage
+2 Defense too!
Grants BuffLunar Veil/Govheil BGovheil B
Buff duration16.66 seconds
RarityRarity level: 2
Research1 required
Creates Projectile
  • Govheil Holster Brooch
    Gothivia's Holstering Brooch (Lunar Veil).png
 Obtained from
Lunar Veil/Morrow ChestMorrow Chest111.11% (Within Govheil Castle)

The Gothivia's Holstering Brooch is a Hardmode Accessory found in Morrow Chests within Govheil Castle with a 11.11*1/9 (11.11%) chance. When equipped, the player emits light, it increases defense by 2 and magic damage by 15%, and halves mana cost, as well as summoning a Govheil Holster Brooch that follows the player and emits light.


Template:Lunar Veil/Master Template Equipables