Flare Focuser (GaMeTerraria)

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Flare Focuser
  • Flare Focuser item sprite
  • Flare Focuser equipped
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipLocks your cursor onto flares
RarityRarity level: 2
Buy / Sell1 / 20
Research1 required
The Flare Focuser in use. Note the Minishark not targetting the cursor.

The Flare Focuser is a craftable pre-Hardmode accessory. When equipped, held weapons will target the closest flare to the player.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
GaMeTerraria/Flare FocuserFlare FocuserIron AnvilIron Anvil/Lead AnvilLead Anvil
total: 1 row(s)


  • The cursor does not visually get locked to flares, despite the player locking on.
  • Mining and block placing is not affected.