Spectral Arrow (Consolaria)

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Spectral Arrow
  • Spectral Arrow item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Damage12 (Ranged)
Knockback0 (No knockback)
Critical chance4%
TooltipPierces tiles and enemies, but dissipates quickly in the air
RarityRarity level: 3
Research99 required

The Spectral Arrow is a special type of arrow in Consolaria. Arrows of any type are automatically transformed into Spectral Arrows when shot by the Sharanga. The Arms DealerArms Dealer starts selling Spectral Arrows after Ocram is defeated.

The Spectral Arrow can pierce up to five times, but its damage is reduced by 10% of its remaining value on each hit. More interestingly, Spectral Arrows do not collide with tiles and blocks, and can therefore be used to shoot through walls.

The Spectral Arrow is also very short-ranged, losing 2.5% of its remaining velocity each tick, but is subject to gravity like most other arrows, meaning it also accelerates downward. After two seconds, the spectral arrow dissipates harmlessly while emitting the same "ahhh!" death sound as creatures such as the Ghost or the Mimics. All this makes it poorly suited to fighting enemies that are far away or above the player.


  • In the original console version, the Spectral Arrow inflicted the Cursed Inferno debuff, and had a higher damage value; but it did not pierce and could not go through blocks.