Living Shadow (Conquest)

- Item (Quantity)Rate
- Conquest/NightfallNightfall(Conquest)25%
- Conquest/Gamma RayGamma Ray(Conquest)25%
- Conquest/Stellar RemnantStellar Remnant(Conquest)25%
- 25%
The Living Shadow is a superboss added by the Conquest Mod. It is accessible Post-Cultist, but the fight is extremely difficult and becomes somewhat easier with Post-Moon Lord gear.
When spawned during the day, its exclusive music Introspectral will play. If spawned during the night, a remix of the music, Psychotorture, will play instead.
The Living Shadow does not spawn naturally. It spawn directly on top of the player when they use a Shattered Mirror. It will only begin attacking the player after about ten seconds, giving them time to prepare.
The Living Shadow attempts to stay within a circle around the player unless it is dashing. Upon spawning, it remains untargetable for approximately 10 seconds while it materializes. While it is alive, it darkens the screen slightly. As it loses health, the distance from it to the player and the time between its attacks decreases, allowing for multiple attacks to coexist.
Several of the Living Shadow's stats are dependent on its opponent's stats. Its attack damage is dependent on the attack damage of the player's held weapon, and its defense is proportional to the player's.
The Living Shadow randomly selects one out of several attacks, never repeating the same attack twice. After each attack, the Living Shadow picks a new location and teleports to it. If it is under half health, it will instead dash to the location, possibly attempting to dash through the player.
- Triple Dash - Living Shadow telegraphs three locations: one directly across from its current position, one at a random position on its circle, and one directly across from the second telegraph. After a short delay, the Living Shadow dashes to the locations in order.
- Predictive Dash - Living Shadow starts to predict the player's velocity. After a duration, it telegraphs a location directly across from it through the player and stops predicting the player, then dashes to that location.
- Raining Shadows - Living Shadow creates a dark aura and rapidly moves in a circle around the player, making it harder to see and hit. After this, many projectiles emerge from the top and bottom of the screen and move vertically.
- Shadow Barrage - Living Shadow periodically creates many projectiles which linger for a short time before moving toward the player.
- Shadow Swarm - Living Shadow begins to orbit the player while periodically firing sets of three slow projectiles that move in random directions.
If the Living Shadow is under half health, it darkens the screen more and gains new attacks:
- Shadow Column - Living Shadow begins dashing around the player and depositing stationary projectiles in groups of four. After five seconds, the projectiles will begin to target the player, but their horizontal movement will slow quickly, eventually only moving vertically.
- Darkness - Living Shadow darkens the screen by a small amount before choosing another attack.
In addition, some changes are made to its normal attacks:
- The start of Triple Dash will temporarily black out the screen almost completely, so that the player can only dodge based on the order of the telegraphs.
- During Predictive Dash, Living Shadow fires slow projectiles toward the player, so that they must change direction.
- Halfway through Shadow Barrage, Living Shadow will choose a new position around the player and dash to it. It will continue firing projectiles.
If fought during the nighttime, the fight will become significantly harder. Not only are the boss and its projectiles nearly invisible without backwalls, but all attacks by the boss will become instant-kill attacks.
Secret world seed changes
For the Worthy
- Attacks cycle in ⅔ the time.
- Begins the fight with all the powers and behaviors of its second phase.
- Triple Dash has no telegraph, instead creating a ring of false telegraphs around the player.
- Inflicts Blackout on the player.
- Spawns a damaging trail during a nighttime fight.
- Slightly different spawn animation.
Zenith Seed / Get Fixed Boi
- All changes from For The Worthy.
- Attacks cycle in ½ the time.
- Extinguishes nearby torches when using Darkness.
- It is recommended to forgo double-jump accessories in favor of better wings, as the fight requires precise vertical and horizontal control.
- The Soaring Insignia is almost required for higher difficulties.
- Having an arena with many platforms is important. The attacks chain together quickly, so there is little time to reset your position and velocity.
- Players should not change direction during the Predictive Dash attack unless necessary, as the boss will dash through the player. If the player needs to change direction, they should move in a loop.
- Shadow Bolts will always deal at least 30 damage to the player, no matter their defence, so carrying a weak weapon is not a viable strategy.
- If attempting the nighttime fight, it is crucial to place background walls over a large area. Ideal candidates include White Gemspark Walls for their white backdrop or Pearlstone Brick Walls for their affordability.
- Living Shadow internally references the "Nothing personnel, kid" joke with its predictive dash attack, as that attack mimics the behavior of the meme.