1.3.1 (Clicker Class)
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Clicker Class 1.3.1 served to fix issues not caught in 1.3.0.
- Nerfed Clicker armor penetration by not applying to Dungeon Guardian and enemies whose defense is above 999, matching the conditions from Lightning Aura sentry summons.
- Fixed incompatibility with "Terraria Recipes and Items".
- Fixed Hot Keychain not being obtainable from fishing in lava.
- Fixed Avenger Emblem not being craftable using Clicker Emblem.
- Fixed F Medal and S Medal recipes not being craftable with Platinum Bars.
- Fixed Clear Keychain not dropping from Queen Slime's Treasure Bag.
- Fixed Button Masher not displaying information to nearby players in multiplayer, and displaying even when no clicker is held.