Divine Jello (Catalyst)

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Divine Jello
  • Divine Jello item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Pet Summon
Use time19 (Very fast)
TooltipSummons a Slime Deity
'A dessert fit for a god!'
Grants BuffCatalyst/Slime DeitySlime Deity
Buff tooltipHe is one that will consume all
RarityFile:Rarity color Blazing Crystal (Catalyst).gif
 Obtained from
Catalyst/AstrageldonAstrageldon125% / 25%
Summons Pet

Slime Deity

Slime Deity (pet) (Catalyst).gif

The Divine Gello is a pet summoning item that drops from Astrageldon in Revengeance Mode or Master Mode at a 25% chance. It summons a miniature Astrageldon to follow the player.

Template:Catalyst/Master Template Tools