Barrier Spell (Anarchist Mod)

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Barrier Spell
  • Barrier Spell (Anarchist Mod).gif
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipSpectres cannot apply Soul Reaping to their host
20% decreased scepter damage
RarityMuted Yellow Rarity (Anarchist Mod).png
Research1 required

The Barrier Spell is a pre-Hardmode accessory. When equipped, spectres are unable to reduce a player's arcturum below 0, thus preventing the infliction of the Soul Reaping debuff. However, the accessory also decreases scepter by 20%.

It has a 1/5 (20%) chance of generating in the second slot inside Locked Gold Chests inside the Dungeon. The Barrier Spell will not generate in chests that contain a Shadow Key.


  • The magic effects on the book are akin to the magic effects on the Mysterious Tablet.
    • Both are found in the Dungeon, meaning they both probably use similar magic.
    • This also goes with the mod's lore where the Lunatic Cultists are casting a spell to create a barrier that stops the Celestial Pillars from invading the world.


  • Introduced.

Template:Anarchist Mod/Master Template Equipables