Moon Champion (User:Feldy/Macrocosm)

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Moon Champion
Moon Champion (User-Feldy-Macrocosm).png
Map Icon Moon Champion (Macrocosm).png
Map Icon
AI TypePassive
Max Life5000
KB Resist50%
This is a Town NPC. A House may be required in order for it to appear.

The Moon Champion is an NPC vendor that provides new players with materials and tips for surviving on the Moon.

The Moon Champion will immediately spawn upon defeating Crater Demon for the first time, but if killed he will only move in once the following conditions have been met:

  • There is an empty house on the Moon.
  • Crater Demon has been defeated.

When threatened by enemies, he will defend himself by punching enemies with considerable force. He will not attack bosses.


The Moon Champion may have any of the following names:

  • Buzz
  • Chris
  • Cooper
  • Doyle
  • Edmunds
  • Mann
  • Miller
  • Neil
  • Romilly


    • "The Moon is not so bad once you get used to it! I personally find it quite beautiful! Just stay indoors during the night, I shall defend you from those evil Moon monsters!"
    • "I found an old space lander once! It looked abandoned, and there was this weird pole with cloth attached to it. Do you know anything about this?"
    • "Earth looks very pretty! I went to visit it once, the President of the planet gave me a cookie!"
    • "Am I a good Moon Champion? Of course! If I wasn't a good Moon Champion, I wouldn't be sitting here discussing it with you now, would I?"
    • "What was I doing on the Moon before I got eaten? I was fighting Moon monsters, of course!"
    • "A meteorite hit me on the head today. How rude!"
    • "Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing I can do! Not that I'd want to, it's so pretty to look at!"
    • "What a wonderful place my Moon is, isn't it? Nothing but silver plains and dunes as far as the eye can see, amidst an inky black sky! ...And Earth's there, too!"
    • "Have I ever told you much I love my Moon?"

    During night:

    • "Human, I am curious, is the Earth made of cheese?"
    • "Stand alert, human! Nighttime lasts far longer than it does on Earth, and lots of scary monsters emerge from the craters and shadows looking for food!"
    • "You look troubled, are you afraid of those Moon monsters? Do not be, for I will defend you! Those Moon monsters will never defeat me!"
    • "Yes, nighttime is finally here! This is the time my Moon offers some of its most challenging foes, and a true Champion will never shy away from a fight!"
    • "A while back, I discovered I could tune in on human conversations if they were happening close enough to the Moon! I kept hearing the word 'Houston' come up in their conversations. I haven't heard from him in a while...I would like to meet this Houston some day!"
    • "Space is so cool! There are thousands of billions of billions of stars and galaxies! There is nothing I like more than space...well, except my Moon, of course!"
    • "Why do I love my Moon so much? ...I'm not sure! I've been here since I first woke up, and it's captivated me with its beauty! It also keeps my senses and skills sharpened with its ceaseless monsters and challenges! It makes me feel alive!"
    • "So many Moon monsters out tonight...plaguing, desecrating my Moon. I shall kill all of them, and you shall help me!"

    When rescued:

    • "Wow, it's bright! How long was I out for, I swear I only took a nap for a moment! ...Oh, you killed that big monster that ate me. Well, thank you!"
    • "Thank you very much for rescuing me! It was starting to get a little stuffy in there! You must be a brave champion to have come out all this way. Like me!"
    • "Woah, thank you human! You saved me from that frightening space monster! are also a champion of the Moon, as I am!"


    • "Don't forget your spacesuit, human! I don't know why, but it always makes me feel weird whenever I take it off, so I never do!"
    • "Monsters on my Moon drop these shiny gemstones, and I love keeping them! I'll gladly take them in exchange for some supplies I...found!"
    • "Be prepared for anything, and stay alert! The Moon is a very dangerous place crawling with all kinds of monsters, prowling the surface or crawling deep below!"
    • "Take caution when going deeper into the Moon's caverns, many of its monsters HATE light! ...Why do they hate light? I'm not sure! They might be scared of it."
    • "There's an old human Moon base not far from here! I'd go explore it if I were you, but be careful! I don't think everything in there is entirely dead just yet!"
  • Trivia

    • Three of the Moon Champion's names are references to real astronauts:
      • Buzz Aldrin, pilot of the Apollo 11 Moon mission.
      • Chris Hadfield, retired astronaut and the first Canadian to perform an EVA in space.
      • Neil Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 Moon mission and first human to step foot on the Moon.
    • The names "Cooper", "Doyle", "Edmunds", "Mann", "Miller", and "Romilly" are references to various characters from the 2014 science fiction film Interstellar.
    • The Moon Champion is a reference to the character SCP-1233 from the collaborative writing wiki project SCP.