Garridine (The Stars Above)

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The Lupine Mechanist, Garridine

Garridine is a Lupine mechanist that resides within Pyxis, the Handforged Station.

She will ask the player for various items, and will give out Stellar Foci as a reward.

Initiating a quest

  • Like other NPC in The Stars Above, come close and right click to talk with Garridine.
  • Talking to Garridine when a quest is available, she will briefly describe the quest item she needs.
  • Talking again to Garridine with the quest item in the player's inventory completes the quest and rewards the player with Stellar Foci Grab Bag (Tier 1)Stellar Foci Grab Bag (Tier 1).
    • If player don't have the quest item in their inventory, Garridine will repeat the description of the quest.
  • After completing a quest, a new quest will not be available until five minutes later in the real world.

List of Quests

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  • By exiting to title and re-entering, a new request would immediately be available. This strategy makes collecting stellar foci much faster.


  • Garridine's Introduction(Eridani):

    Garridine, the lupine mechinist, makes her apperence.

    • Garridine: "I see - this far from the Heart people are no stranger to a lack of courtesy - barging into one's home like so. Am I correct? "
      Eridani: "I'm so sorry... We thought, you know, because everything else is abandoned around here, this place would be too... Sorry. "
      Garridine: "Truly? No matter - I am nothing if not the forgiving sort.. I think. Wait, forget that last bit. "
      Garridine: "Ahem. Friendly faces scant wander this far, so offering hospitality is the least I can do - to a Starfarer, as well. My name is Garridine. "
      Garridine: "In truth, automatons prove not the most capable of conversationalists. I would not be opposed to your visits. "
      Eridani: "That sounds great to me. Finding a friendly face so far from civilization is a great help to us as well. "
      Garridine: "In that case... I would appreciate it if you would allow me to analyze your equipment and weapons you have created. "
      Garridine: "I haven't had occassion to learn about recent advancements, owing in no small part to the Ardor - if I were to get a glimpse, it would be quite the boon. "
      Garridine: "To make this worth your time, I'll craft some Stellar Foci for you after a vist. "
      Eridani: "Hmm... that would prove useful - especially avoiding having to craft them ourselves. "
      Garridine: "Wonderful. Let us hope this relationship is a fruitful one. "

    (Can be replayed in The Stars Above/Spatial DiskSpatial Disk - The Stars Above/ArchiveArchive - long-form - 13)

    Garridine's Introduction(Asphodene):

    Garridine, the lupine mechinist, makes her apperence.

    • Garridine: "I see - this far from the Heart people are no stranger to a lack of courtesy - barging into one's home like so. Am I correct? "
      Asphodene: "Sorry... We would have knocked, but to be honest, we thought this place was... uh... abandoned. "
      Garridine: "Truly? No matter - I am nothing if not the forgiving sort.. I think. Wait, forget that last bit. "
      Garridine: "Ahem. Friendly faces scant wander this far, so offering hospitality is the least I can do - to a Starfarer, as well. My name is Garridine. "
      Garridine: "In truth, automatons prove not the most capable of conversationalists. I would not be opposed to your visits. In fact, I would petition your aid for a certain matter... "
      Asphodene: "yep, done deal - right, <name of the player>? I hesitate to say it, but she's really cute... we simply HAVE to help her out. "
      Garridine: "Did you say something? No? In that case... I would appreciate it if you would allow me to analyze your equipment and weapons you have created. "
      Garridine: "I haven't had occassion to learn about recent advancements, owing in no small part to the Ardor - if I were to get a glimpse, it would be quite the boon. "
      Garridine: "To make this worth your time, I'll craft some Stellar Foci for you after a vist. "
      Asphodene: "Bit of a strange ask, but it shouldn't be too difficult - getting some Stellar Foci without having to make them ourselves would be very helpful. "
      Garridine: "Wonderful. Let us hope this relationship is a fruitful one. "

    (Can be replayed in The Stars Above/Spatial DiskSpatial Disk - The Stars Above/ArchiveArchive - long-form - 14)

    When describing a quest:

    • (The description quote listed in Garridine/Quests)
      "Could you hopefully locate one of these artifacts for me? Apologies in advance for the trouble. "

    When a quest is completed:

    • "Your timely arrival is much appreciated. This is exactly what I wanted, thank you. "
      "As promised, I've bequeathed a pouch containing a Stellar Foci. I have... a regrettable habit of forgetting to label my creations, so this must do. "

    When a quest is in cooldown:

    • "While I do appreciate the eagerness, I still have yet to analyze the data you've brought to me. "
      "Perhaps return anon, once progression has been made. Five minutes of your timescale should suffice. "