Construction PDA (TF2Mod)

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Construction PDA
  • Construction PDA item sprite
Construction PDA (TF2Mod).png
Construction PDA
Engineer's Starter PDA
Left click to build a sentry gun
Right click to build a dispenser
Sentry guns target the closest enemy.
Dispensers produce health kits, ammo, and metal.
Building levels depends on the amount of metal the player currently has.

The Construction PDA is a PDA for the Engineer. It is not a regular weapon as it cannot deal damage and only serves to construct Sentry Guns and Dispensers. Sentry guns can be built or moved by left-clicking and dispensers by right-clicking. Buildings require metal to build, move, and repair them. This weapon is a stock weapon and can be obtained immediately if the Engineer class is chosen.

Function Times

Weapon Type Construction PDA
Sentry Cost 130 metal
Dispenser Cost 100 metal
Function Times
Recharge Time 1 second


  • Each building level has different metal costs.
    • A Level 1 sentry gun costs 130 metal, a Level 2 sentry gun costs 330 metal, and a Level 3 sentry gun costs 530 metal.
    • A Level 1 dispenser costs 100 metal, a Level 2 dispenser costs 300 metal, and a Level 3 dispenser costs 500 metal.
    • These costs effectively lock Level 2 buildings to Hardmode and Level 3 buildings to Post-Moon Lord.
  • A building's level is determined by how much metal is consumed when building or moving.
  • Moving a building require the same amount of metal as building it. However, only half the original cost is consumed.
    • If the Engineer doesn't have enough metal to move their building with its current level, the building would still be relocated, but with a lower level.
    • Conversely, if he has enough metal to build the next level building, the building would still be relocated, but with a higher level and for half the cost!
  • This weapon does not have autoswing.


  • It is advised to build a sentry gun and a dispenser with the maximum possible level before fighting enemies.
    • Even if an existing sentry gun or dispenser is destroyed, it is still preferable to build another with the maximum possible level instead of a lower leveled one.
  • Since sentry guns cannot shoot through tiles, make sure to fight in an appropriate area.
  • Dispensers should be built away from any threats as they're invaluable for survival.


  • This weapon can be equipped with the Destruction PDA by the Engineer at the same time.
  • The Construction PDA was once two separate weapons, the Sentry Tool and the Dispenser Tool.