Putrid Pinky (Secrets Of The Shadows)

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Putrid Pinky
Putrid Pinky (Secrets Of The Shadows).gif
Putrid Pinky Map Icon (Secrets Of The Shadows).png
Map Icon
AI TypeBlue Slime AI
Max Life300
KB Resist100%
CoinsNo value
Putrid Pinky (Phase 2)
Putrid Pinky (phase 2) (Secrets Of The Shadows).png
Putrid Pinky Map Icon (phase 2) (Secrets Of The Shadows).png
Map Icon
AI TypePutrid Pinky AI
Max Life5,500
KB Resist100%
Immune toPoisoned

Putrid Pinky is a Pre-Hardmode Boss fought on the surface.


Putrid Pinky does not spawn naturally and is summoned by using the Jar Of Peanuts anywhere at any time.


Putrid Pinky will hover, using its Putrid Hooks and Pinky Lasers to attack the player, with the first phase functioning as a decoy.

Phase 1

Putrid Pinky will attempt to jump on the player. The second phase will activate when the first phase is killed.

Phase 2

Putrid Hooks will surround the Putrid Pinky as it uses them to perform new attacks.


  • Putrid Pinky will fire 3 Pinky Laser (Secrets Of The Shadows).png Pinky Lasers at the player, with a dust circle appearing around it before it fires each laser.
  • Putrid Pinky will quickly move towards the player before fading away, and then it will fade back in, pulling the Putrid Hooks towards it and firing out Putrid Bullet (Secrets Of The Shadows).png Putrid Bullets, which after a short duration, will turn around and move back through Putrid Pinky.
  • Each Putrid Hook will slowly spin around it while emitting 3 dust circles before firing 2 rounds of 5 Putrid Tracer (Secrets Of The Shadows).png Putrid Tracers.

Putrid Hook

Putrid Hook
Putrid Hook (Secrets Of The Shadows).png
AI TypePutrid Hook AI
Max Life400
KB Resist100%
Immune toPoisoned
CoinsNo value

The Putrid Hooks are boss minions that surround the Putrid Pinky during its second phase. They will and it in preforming several attacks and when they die, they will drift into the air before they stop moving and start firing Putrid Bullet (Secrets Of The Shadows).png Putrid Bullets. When Putrid Pinky has 4 Putrid Hooks left, they will become immune and Putrid Pinky will pull another one in.


For elaborate strategies on defeating Putrid Pinky, including Weapon recommendations, see Guide:Putrid Pinky strategies.


  • Putrid Pinky's theme is Pink Punisher, which was composed by the artist Heart Plus Up!.
  • The Bestiary entry for Putrid Pinky: "An abomination with an endless hunger for peanuts. Putrid Pinky was created in a failed experiment using pink slime."

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