Mounts (Secrets Of The Shadows)

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Mounts are creatures or objects that act as vehicles that a player can use for transportation or dealing damage. When a mount-summoning item is used, it applies an unlimited buff to the player, spawns the mount, and places the player on or in it. Mount movement can be controlled using the player's usual movement keys. Like pets and minions, mounts can be used endlessly, and their summoning items are not consumed. Only one mount can be in effect at a time. Mounts will un-equip automatically when the player dies.

Weapons and tools (as well as any other item, except hooks) can be used while riding a mount.

All mount items can be placed in the mount slot and then summoned with Quick Mount, and can be dyed. Mount-summoning items cannot be reforged and therefore cannot have any modifiers.

There are currently 2 new Mounts added to Secrets of the Shadows, each with varying abilities and movement statistics.



Mount Description Height (ft) Speed (mph) Source
Secrets Of The Shadows/Snow CrystalSnow Crystal Secrets Of The Shadows/Ice ShieldIce Shield
  • Fast movement speed
  • ? (horizontal)
  • ? (vertical)
Secrets Of The Shadows/Spirit SurferSpirit Surfer Secrets Of The Shadows/Spirit Surfer (mount)Spirit Surfer
  • Fast movement speed
  • Consumes void when riding
  • ? (horizontal)
  • ? (vertical)
50 Secrets Of The Shadows/Ancient Gold BrickAncient Gold Brick
35 Secrets Of The Shadows/Soul ResidueSoul Residue
Flying CarpetFlying Carpet
Crafted at Iron AnvilIron Anvil/Lead AnvilLead Anvil


  • Riding a mount will increase the player's height – for example, they cannot go through doors or enter a 3-tile-high tunnel. If there isn't enough headroom available for the mount, trying to activate the mount will fail.
    • However, the player's width is unchanged – they can still fall, jump, and/or fly up and down a 2-tile-wide vertical tunnel.

See Also

Template:Secrets Of The Shadows/Master Template Tools