Increased Availability of World Exclusive Items (Reduced Grinding)
Every chest at or below Cavern Layer has a 1*1/100 (1%) chance of generating with a Terragrim.
Vanilla Chest Loot
For each Shroom Minecart and Mushroom set; if it's missing from the world, a Mushroom Chest with the missing loot will try to generate in a random Mushroom Biome.
For each Flying Carpet and Pharaoh's set; if it's missing from the world, they will be inserted into a random Sandstone Chest.
Living Wood
For each Sunflower Minecart and Ladybug Minecart; if it's missing from the world, a Living Wood Sapling will spawn with a Living Wood Chest, which will have the missing item. The Living Wood Sapling will spawn buried in the Forest, with the top of the structure usually reach 1 block below the surface.
Dungeon Furniture Color Swapping
King and Queen Swapping (Disabled by Default)
The following recipe can be enabled to make it easier to obtain both King and Queen Statues: