Weapon Charging (Infernus Mod)

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Extremely Different From Vanilla Mechanic Channeling.

Weapon Charging is a new Mechanic introduced by Infernus Mod. Weapons that require charging will not shoot unless they are fully charged. There are different charging times and you can speed it up or slow it down with speed changing reforges. Charging a weapon is possible by holding down left mouse button and when it is fully charged it will shoot itself with no need to click multiple times by the user. Charging a weapon will consume ammo if designed to. Charging a weapon and stopping before fully charged will have the weapon save it's charge percentage until used again continuing from it left off. So you can charge a weapon before the boss then summon the boss and immidiatley shoot a powerful charged shot. Charges are saved in the item. So you can have multiple of the same charging item and shoot a barrage of charged shots from switching weapons in your hotbar. Currently there are only 4 charging weapons. The Breaker Bow (1.3 Sec Charge), The Hero's Launcher (1.6 Sec Charge), The Lightning Daggers (1 Sec Charge) and The Pump Charge Shotgun (Charges Each Pump with a max of 10).