Otherworld Core (Heartbeataria)

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Otherworld Core
  • Otherworld Core item sprite
Tooltip20% increased damage dealt to Old One's Army enemies
RarityRarity level: 4
Buy / Sell750 / 150
Research1 required

The Otherworld Core is the single accessory offered by Heartbeataria. Equipping it allows to deal increased damage to Old One's Army enemies.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Heartbeataria/Otherworld CoreOtherworld Core
  • Heartbeataria/Filthy SapFilthy Sap
  • Heartbeataria/Green ScalesGreen Scales
  • Heartbeataria/Dread FangsDread Fangs
  • Heartbeataria/Magma ShellMagma Shell
  • Heartbeataria/Fusion ModuleFusion Module
  • Heartbeataria/Filthy SapFilthy Sap
  • Heartbeataria/Green ScalesGreen Scales
  • Heartbeataria/Gel of CthulhuGel of Cthulhu
  • Heartbeataria/Magma ShellMagma Shell
  • Heartbeataria/Fusion ModuleFusion Module
total: 2 row(s)


  • In the old Chinese version of Terraria, the player's hotbar was initially limited to only five item slots. Crafting and using the Otherworld Core allowed to expand it to the full 10 items that the original version of Terraria offered. Obviously, in Heartbeataria, a new purpose had to be found for it, though without affecting the game's balance.
  • Since it originates from the old Chinese version of Terraria, the components used to craft it followed the visual redesign of Terraria's bosses: Skeletron was made of wood branches instead of bones, the Eye of Cthulhu was a fish-like creature, and so on.