Turkey Feather (Consolaria)

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Turkey Feather
  • Turkey Feather item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Pet summon
TooltipSummons a pet turkey
Grants BuffConsolaria/Pet TurkeyPet Turkey
Buff tooltipBig and meaty turkey
RarityRarity level: 3
Buy / Sell10 / 2
Research1 required
Summons Pet
  • Turkey
    Turkey (Consolaria).png

Turkey Feather is a pet-summoning item which summons a pet Turkey that follows you around. It is bought from the MerchantMerchant, though depending on the Configuration options, the item may only be available during Thanksgiving season (November).

While the Turkey Feather can serve as an ordinary pet item, it is also used to summon Turkor the Ungrateful, as the Consolaria/Cursed StuffingCursed Stuffing can only be used by a player accompanied by this turkey pet.


Contrarily to the original console version, summoning Turkor will not make the player lose their Turkey Feather (so there is no need to store it in a chest prior to the summon); and while the turkey pet will disappear during the Turkor fight, it will reappear automatically once Turkor is defeated. The sprite was also different: Turkey Feather