Antlion Queen (Conquest)

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Antlion Queen
Antlion Queen (Conquest).png
Antlion Queen Map Icon (Conquest).png
Map Icon
Max Life2525
KB Resist100%

The Antlion Queen is a pre-Hardmode boss that can be fought after beating the Eye of Cthulhu, she is fought in her own unique arena which generates in the Underground Desert


Arena that spawns in the underground desert


  • Summons 2 sandnados adjacent to the player
  • A shotgun blast of sand balls
  • Fires 3 large sand balls which explode into smaller sand balls upon hitting a tile
  • A single large sand ball which moves in a wave rapidly
  • Summons large sand balls from the sky which explode into smaller sand balls upon hitting a tile
  • Fires 3 large sand balls which move in a wave pattern which explode into smaller sand balls upon hitting a tile