Bosses (Calamity Community Remix)
Bosses are aggressive, resilient enemies that offer a substantial challenge to players. Most bosses can be summoned with an associated summoning items or the player completing a specific action.
Mini bosses, also spelled mini-bosses or minibosses, are powerful enemies that do not fit the criteria for being a boss, but causes the Calamity Mod boss health bar to appear, shows up in Boss Checklist, and are a greater challenge for the player to defeat than most normal enemies.
Pre-Hardmode Bosses
The Calamity
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The Calamity is an ominous dark entity with 22 health. It is summoned by using Slumbering. It is intended to function as a tutorial boss for the player, firing simplistic patterns of red lasers to teach them about boss mechanics, as well as functioning based on a 'hit counter' system rather than health. Later in the fight, it also spawns in Dark Veins and Darkscules, which increase the complexity of its patterns. The Calamity drops the Calamitous Certificate to mark your victory, as well as the Infrared Sights, allowing you to scan enemies to discover their contact damage and defense. |
Wulfrum Excavator
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The Wulfrum Excavator is a sleek metal serpent with 2,000 / 3,500 / 5,000 health. It is summoned by placing an Energy Core in the first slot of a Living Wood Chest, and does not spawn naturally. While it is intended to be an earlygame challenge for the player, the complexity of its attacks can easily overwhelm an unready player. It attacks by cycling through different movement patterns while firing lasers, gaining increasingly dangerous patterns as its health decreases, as well as calling in many kinds of Wulfrum Drones to attack. The Wulfrum Excavator drops Wulfrum Metal Scraps as well as several items crafted from them, as well as allow Cnidrions to start dropping Desert Medallions. |
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Origen is an ice construct. It is summoned by attempting to open the Trapped Chest in the Origen Workshop. It attacks by cycling between different projectile patterns then dashing at the player in its final phase. Origen drops the Soul of Origen as well as unlocking the elemental soul accessory slot. |
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The Acidsighter is an acid-burnt Demon Eye with 4,000 / 8,000 / 19,520 health. It is summoned by using a Poisoned Sclera in the Sulphurous Sea at night. It fires many bubbles of acid, as well as spawning Mutated Eyes to defend itself. After reaching 50% health, its grotesque maw is revealed, and it begins to aggressively charge the player, leaving many acid bubbles and droplets in its wake. The Acidsighter drops several poison-themed (and elemental) weapons, as well as its lens, which grants greatly increased critical hit rate and range, but also significantly impairs your vision. Killing it will also allow the Acid Rain event to start, unlocking several new weapon options for the player to use throughout progression. |
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Carcinogen is a giant chunk of asbestos with a toxic aura. It is summoned by breaking Wood Walls within a Asbestos Cave. It attacks by cycling between slamming into the ceiling raining down drops of Asbestos, shooting streams of flames, and dashing while leaving behind exploding cigars. Carcinogen drops the Soul of Carcinogen and drops the Archwizard Town NPC who sells Asbestos Blocks for varying prices. |
Hardmode Bosses
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Ionogen is a large accumulation of thrown out batteries. It is summoned by completing all of the Plastic Oracle's quests. It attacks by shooting radial bursts of lightning, dragging the player inwards, summoning lightning at random locations, and expelling battery acid. Ionogen drops the Soul of Ionogen and drops the Archmagian Town NPC who sells most of the Wizard's items, replacing him. |
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Polyphemalus is a grotesque fusion of four particularly large Demon Eyes that has 50,000 / 150,000 / 260,000 health. It is summoned by using a Fused Eye at night. In its first phase it tries to orbit the player, firing many erratic storms of projectiles. After running out of health, it transitions to its second phase, where its four constituent eyes break free and attack as a collective. Polyphemalus drops many eye-themed weapons based on the last eyeball defeated, as well as the Quadnoculars, a powerful non-elemental weapon for all classes. |
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Oxygen is a whirling storm construct with 40,000 / 80,000 / 88,000 health. It is summoned by hitting a golf ball into space during the Galeforce Day event. The fight consists of a perilous escort mission to the bottom of the Abyss in order to shatter its invulnerable shield, all the while it fires numerous air and space themed attacks relentlessly. Oxygen drops the Shard of Glass, an exceptionally powerful but brittle melee weapon, the Aerospray, a close-ranged but devastating ranged weapon, as well as its soul, which greatly boosts damage, but significantly increases the pitch of all sounds. Defeating it also frees the Archwitch NPC, letting you manipulate the winds of the world to your liking. |
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Phytogen is a pineapple with long legs made of fronds. It is summoned by allowing enough Plague enemies to exist at once or sometimes by shaking trees in the Underground Jungle. It is initially harmless and will even kill off nearby Plague enemies, but will become hostile if one of its fronds are damaged. It attacks by shooting potpourri petals, burrowing while firing out frond vines, and using its leaf shield as an arena which inflicts Hay Fever if left. Phytogen drops the Soul of Phytogen and drops the Archdruid Town NPC who grants the Dryad's Blessing buff. |
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Hydrogen is a hydrogen bomb orbited by warheads and shells. Hydrogen will harmlessly occupy a metal structure in the center of the Sunken Sea on world generation. It can be fought by hitting it with an explosive such as a Grenade or Bomb. Hydrogen attacks by shooting explosive shells, flinging out warheads, and summoning rows of mines. All of Hydrogen's attacks destroy small amounts of naturally placed Sunken Sea tiles. Upon being reduced to one health, Hydrogen will go invincible and start ticking down from 10 seconds. Around halfway through, a fridge will drop down near the player which can be entered. Once Hydrogen reaches zero, it unleashes a colossal explosion which destroys every naturally placed Sunken Sea block in the world as well as instantly killing the player if they didn't go inside the fridge or teleport away. Hydrogen drops the Soul of Hydrogen and drops the Archdiviner Town NPC who sells Sunken Sea blocks for you to rebuild with if you so choose. |
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Pathogen is a large bacteriophage head orbited by cells. It spawns after killing 300 total enemies during the Pandemic Panic event and is classified as an invader. If the player is on the invader's side of the event, Pathogen will fight alongside the player to kill the remaining defender cells. If the player is on the defender's side, Pathogen behaves more like a typical boss. Pathogen attacks by shooting blood cells, launching a fountain of blood upwards, flinging around bouncy white blood cells, and rolling back and forth while spawning giant blood thorns. Pathogen drops the Soul of Pathogen and drops the Archmagus Town NPC who sells every potion in the game. |
Godseeker Mode
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Pyrogen is a burning brimstone construct with 161,300 / 332,600 / 375,700 health. It is summoned using a Molten Matter in either the underworld or Profaned Desert. The fight consists of a dangerous combination of flare and obsidian-based attacks, many of which directly restrict the player's movement, and the boss can only be damaged when opportunities arise to strike its unguarded core. Pyrogen drops powerful flame-elemental weapons for all classes, as well as its soul, which guarentees critical hits at the cost of all available flight time. Defeating it also frees the Brimstone Witch NPC, letting the player create powerful exhumed items. |
XP-00 Hypnos
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XP-00 Hypnos is the Brain of Cthulhu upgrades with Exotech. It is summoned by left clicking The Codebreaker with a Bloody Vein. Hypnos spawns with four XP-00 Hypnos Plugs attached to him which each have 3 XP-00 Hypnos Aergia Neurons attached to them. The player must destroy all four plugs to progress to phase 2 of the fight. In phase 1, Hypnos attacks by moving around while mostly letting its neurons fire or dash at the player. In phase 2, all of the neurons are freed and able to attack the player in more free ways while Hypnos plays a more active role in attacking the player. XP-00 Hypnos drops normal Exo Mech drops as well as a few unique weapons. |
Mini Bosses
Godseeker Mode