Anomaly 109 (Calamity Community Remix)

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Anomaly 109
  • Anomaly 109 item sprite
  • Anomaly 109 (placed) (Calamity Community Remix).png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TooltipInsert unique codes in order to disable certain aspects of your game.
RarityRarity color calamity red (Calamity Community Remix).png

The Anomaly 109 is a placeable item that can be crafted or obtained from the Starter Bag. Right clicking on it boots up a menu that lets players toggle mechanics within Calamity: Community Remix such as recipes, textures, and tile generation.


The Anomaly 109 menu displaying a page of locked options.

The menu consists of 4 types of menu elements:

  • The page button is a solid green box that switches the to another page.
  • The help button is the yellow-outlined box gives hints to what the codes are by first asking you a question and linking to the helps page on your browser.
  • The command prompt is where codes can be typed in. Matching a code does not require ↵ Enter to be pressed and immediately disables the corresponding option.
  • The option is a box representing a specific toggle. It is an element that has 3 separate states:
    • Locked: The option cannot be selected and has not been unlocked by its code as shown by the red lock over it.
    • Enabled: The option is green-outlined and has its feature active within the world. Left clicking it switches it to Disabled.
    • Disabled: The option is red-outlined and has its feature inactive within the world. Left clicking it switches it to Enabled.


Title Hover Text
item_changes Toggles visual changes for certain items and projectiles
npc_changes Toggles visual changes for some (not all) NPCs and bosses
boss_dialogue Toggles boss dialogue
remix_jump Toggles the default double jump
alloy_bars Toggles Alloy Bars from recipes
permanent_upgrades Toggles permanent upgrade recipe removals and alt obtainment methods
essential_essence_bars Toggles Essential Essence Bars from recipes
yharim_bars Toggles Yharim Bars from recipes
shimmer_essences Toggles Shimmer Essences from recipes
crocodile_scales Toggles Crocodile Scales from recipes
coyote_venom Toggles Coyote Venom drops and recipe injections
rear_gars Toggles Rear Gars and Uelibloom Ore removal
side_gars Toggles Side Gars and Galactica Singularity recipe removal
front_gars Toggles Front Gars and Reaper Tooth drop removal
seafood Toggles Seafood becoming a normal food item
starbuster_core Toggles the Starbuster Core's strange obtainment method
fearmonger_retier Toggles the Fearmonger set's tiershifted stats
meld_gunk Toggles Meld Gunk initial generation and spread
plagued_jungle Toggles the initial generation of the Plagued Jungle and related requirements
hardmode_shrines Toggles the initial generation for Hardmode shrines
life_ore Toggles the initial generation for Life Ore
grimesand Toggles generation of Grimesand and its requirement for evil 2 bosses
cosmilite_slag Toggles initial generation of Cosmilite Slag and nerfed Cosmilite gear
acidsighter Toggles initial acid rain requirement change
primal_aspid Toggles Primal Aspids and the Cryo Key recipe removal
clamitas Toggles the Clamitas miniboss and the Eye of Desolation recipe removal
banana_clown Toggles Banana Clowns
green_demon Toggles Green Demons



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Calamity Community Remix/Anomaly 109Anomaly 109By Hand
total: 1 row(s)


  • The weapon is a reference to the Dataminer from The Binding of Isaac game.
    • The Anomaly 109's number comes from the Dataminer's item description simply stating "109".