Astral Blight (Calamity's Vanities)

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BiomeBannerAstralBlight (Calamity's Vanities).png

The Astral Blight is a Hardmode biome added by Calamity's Vanities. It is not generated naturally and must by spread by using the Clentaminator in conjunction with Blighted Astral Solution. Most natural blocks that are able to be converted with solutions can be converted with Blighted Astral Solution, in addition to Dirt and Clay Blocks which can be converted into Blighted Astral variants.

Astrum Deus will gain a unique appearance while fought in the biome, and will drop the Blighted Deus Mask if defeated while with this appearance.


Astral Blight
Characters Unique Drops


Calamity's Vanities/Astragelly SlimeAstragelly Slime
Calamity's Vanities/BlinkerBlinker
Calamity's Vanities/BleamurBleamur
Calamity's Vanities/Gold Astragelly SlimeGold Astragelly Slime
From terrain:
Calamity's Vanities/Blighted Astral ClayBlighted Astral Clay
Calamity's Vanities/Blighted Astral DirtBlighted Astral Dirt
Calamity's Vanities/Blighted Astral IceBlighted Astral Ice
Calamity's Vanities/Blighted Astral SandBlighted Astral Sand
Calamity's Vanities/Blighted Astral SandstoneBlighted Astral Sandstone
Calamity's Vanities/Hardened Blighted Astral SandHardened Blighted Astral Sand
Calamity's Vanities/XenomonolithXenomonolith
Calamity's Vanities/XenostoneXenostone
Calamity's Vanities/Blighted Astral Dirt WallBlighted Astral Dirt Wall
Calamity's Vanities/Blighted Astral Grass WallBlighted Astral Grass Wall
Calamity's Vanities/Blighted Astral Ice WallBlighted Astral Ice Wall
Calamity's Vanities/Blighted Astral Sandstone WallBlighted Astral Sandstone Wall
Calamity's Vanities/Hardened Blighted Astral Sand WallHardened Blighted Astral Sand Wall
Calamity's Vanities/Xenostone WallXenostone Wall
From Fishing:
Calamity's Vanities/Potted Purple XenomonolithPotted Purple Xenomonolith
Calamity's Vanities/Potted Yellow XenomonolithPotted Yellow Xenomonolith


Calamity's Vanities/Music Box (Astral Blight)Music Box (Astral Blight)


  • In order for an area to count as the Astral Blight biome, there must be at least 400 Astral Blight blocks present. Any of the unique blocks created by the Blighted Astral Solution count.


Map Background
  • Astral-blight blocks can be converted back to normal using Green Solution. Other solutions will also work in converting most Blighted Astral blocks including converting Blighted Astral Dirt into normal Dirt.
  • Ambient objects are not converted into blighted astral variants, and are instead converted into stone variants if they aren't already.


Astrum Deus' sprite while fought in the Astral Blight
  • The Astral Blight's theme is The Pain Of The Abomination, which was composed by the artist Heart Plus Up!.
  • The Astral Blight biome is based on old scrapped concepts for the Astral Infection biome, where the biome took a purple, pink, and gold color scheme.
    • The Astrum Deus variant is based on an older sprite for it.
    • The biome's critters are based on or have design elements for both Astral bosses from Calamity at the time of when the concepts were still going to be used.


The Astral Infection as we know it exists as a desolate land littered with cybernetic lifeforms and ominous structures, but in the grand scheme of universes, is it really a constant? In a reality not so far away from our own, the cosmic devourer had an extraordinarily high amount of willpower, as opposed to the slacking one in our universe. The Devourer of Gods in this reality was not slow in going towards the Star God, and challenging the exponentially larger serpent while it was awake and at maximum potential. However, The Devourer of Gods had prepared well for its encounter with the colossal deity, having destabilized the forms of several gods prior, boosting its offensive capabilities and speed to slowly chip away Astrum Deus, striking away at its weak points. Astrum Deus, in desperation, unleashed a large amount of stellar energy around itself, comparable to several supernovas going off at once, in order to repel the devourer. The Devourer of Gods ripped a hole into another reality and attempted to escape, but was vanquished in an instant by the extreme amounts of cosmic particles. However, the rapture into another reality lingered, and several titanic tentacles erupted from it, flailing about, bringing copious amounts of the expelled astral matter into our reality, until the rapture closed. The beast attempted to use the astral matter as a food source, but the matter wasn't compatible, and was excreted in combination with the dark energy within the creature to form a new strain of the astral virus which would then be ejected into the upper atmosphere as waste. However, after the great flesh beast fell, and the spell keeping the Astral Meteor at bay was severed, the meteor fell, and the heavy gust it formed while falling brought the tainted astral strain downwards.