Gravedigger (BrandonBox2)

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Gravedigger (BrandonBox2).png

The Gravedigger loves only two things: money and searching for money in graves. He constantly roams graveyards, all to make as much money as possible. He sells zombie cures, apparently allowing zombies to be cured and returned to their Villager state... He won't hesitate to curse the village to increase his profits...

Spawn Conditions

The Tax Collector must be present in your village.

House Condition

His house must be in a cemetery.

Items sold

Item Cost Availability

BrandonBox2/Zombie CureZombie Cure 10 Always available.

Tax Collection

The Gravedigger mainly came in town because he was frustrated of how cheap the taxes are and how much money you could make by increasing them a beat, and never stopping to collect them.

He collects tax at a rate of 2 per in-game hour (4 time the Tax Collector amount) and has no limit.

If the Cursed is in town, the tax are multiplied by 10 (20 per in-game hours).


  • This new tax system was added to make the [BrandonBox2/Villager|Villager]] more useful than just for the ambiance. This is adding a new cool way to make money in the game, by stacking villagers in horrible houses in order to collect more taxes.
  • With enough Villager, it is more than recommended to invoke the Cursed