Buff |
Pet |
Item |
AFK Pets and more/TrickyTricky |
??? in a bottle |
AFK Pets and more/Satori KomeijiSatori Komeiji |
???'s eye |
AFK Pets and more/ArnoArno |
Ancient Bell |
AFK Pets and more/Ancient Baby SkeletronAncient Baby Skeletron |
Ancient Bone Key |
AFK Pets and more/PeppinoPeppino |
Ancient Cheese |
AFK Pets and more/RalseiRalsei |
Ancient clothes |
Crafted at the Loom.
AFK Pets and more/Golden MimicGolden Mimic |
Ancient Coin |
Dropped by the Mimic.
AFK Pets and more/Ice KingIce King |
Ancient Crown |
AFK Pets and more/Ichirin KumoiIchirin Kumoi |
Ancient Gold Ring |
AFK Pets and more/Undyne with armorUndyne with armor |
Ancient Helmet |
AFK Pets and more/YoumuYoumu |
Ancient Katana |
AFK Pets and more/Black MageBlack Mage |
Ancient mage hat |
AFK Pets and more/Meta KnightMeta Knight |
Ancient Mask |
AFK Pets and more/Baby OblivionBaby Oblivion |
Ancient skull |
Dropped by Plantera.
AFK Pets and more/Seventh AngelSeventh Angel |
Angelic mask |
AFK Pets and more/Forager CowForager Cow |
Animal Feed |
AFK Pets and more/Prof. E. GaddProf. E. Gadd |
Antique Glasses |
AFK Pets and more/BuddyBuddy |
Antique Sword |
AFK Pets and more/KidKid |
Apple |
AFK Pets and more/BradBrad |
Baby |
AFK Pets and more/Bad BubbleBad Bubble |
Bad Bubble |
Crafted at the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Bride CirnoBride Cirno |
Bakamite infused overfrozen crystal |
Crafted at the Ancient Manipulator.
AFK Pets and more/AkiAki |
Baseball Bat |
AFK Pets and more/KirbyKirby |
Beef |
AFK Pets and more/IsabelleIsabelle |
Bell Attached Hair Band |
Crafted ath the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Nuclear Throne IINuclear Throne II |
Big Rad Cannister |
AFK Pets and more/SCP-173SCP-173 |
Biological enhanced cybernetic eye |
AFK Pets and more/Skeleton GoonieSkeleton Goonie |
Bird Skeleton |
AFK Pets and more/Mr Game & WatchMr Game & Watch |
Black Bell |
AFK Pets and more/CrowCrow |
Black feather |
AFK Pets and more/Broken Washing Machine the Holy AvengerBroken Washing Machine the Holy Avenger |
Blessed Broken Washing Machine |
AFK Pets and more/BlizzarusBlizzarus |
Blizzard Wand |
AFK Pets and more/Ice BatIce Bat |
Blood |
AFK Pets and more/FlandreFlandre |
Blood Crystal |
AFK Pets and more/Giant BatGiant Bat |
Blood Dye |
AFK Pets and more/Vampire BatVampire Bat |
Blood in a Flask |
AFK Pets and more/Lava BatLava Bat |
Blood in a Jar |
AFK Pets and more/Illuminant BatIlluminant Bat |
Blood Potion |
AFK Pets and more/Jungle BatJungle Bat |
Blood Soup |
AFK Pets and more/Morrigan AenslandMorrigan Aensland |
Blood Vial |
AFK Pets and more/Flesh ReaverFlesh Reaver |
Bloody Bass |
Dropped by the Flesh Reaver.
AFK Pets and more/LilacLilac |
Blue Crystal Shard |
AFK Pets and more/Etherian Wyvern (2)Etherian Wyvern (2) |
Blue Etherian Mana |
AFK Pets and more/Blue JayBlue Jay |
Blue Feather |
AFK Pets and more/GarryGarry |
Blue Rose |
AFK Pets and more/Blue InklingBlue Inkling |
Blue squid |
AFK Pets and more/Bob's BrainBob's Brain |
Bob's Brain |
AFK Pets and more/WilfeWilfe |
Book of Life (1) |
AFK Pets and more/MariMari |
Book of Life (2) |
AFK Pets and more/KosuzuKosuzu |
Bookkeeper Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/PapyrusPapyrus |
Box of Bones |
Crafted at the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/ZombieZombie |
Brain |
AFK Pets and more/Tifa LockheartTifa Lockheart |
Brawler Collective Figure |
AFK Pets and more/King DededeKing Dedede |
Broken Hammer |
AFK Pets and more/CupidCupid |
Broken Heart |
AFK Pets and more/Broken Washing MachineBroken Washing Machine |
Broken Washing Machine |
AFK Pets and more/BubbleBubble |
Bubble |
AFK Pets and more/Mushi LadybugMushi Ladybug |
Bug egg |

AFK Pets and more/Charged BabyCharged Baby AFK Pets and more/BumboBumbo AFK Pets and more/BumboBumbo AFK Pets and more/BumboBumbo |
Bumbo |
AFK Pets and more/Mr BrightMr Bright |
Burning Sphere |
AFK Pets and more/Miles EdgeworthMiles Edgeworth |
Case of Lost Mechanic |
AFK Pets and more/Chibi Manifestation of PinkyChibi Manifestation of Pinky |
Chalice of Chocolate Milk |
AFK Pets and more/KnucklesKnuckles |
Chaos Emerald |
AFK Pets and more/DimentioDimentio |
Chaos Heart |
AFK Pets and more/Charged BabyCharged Baby |
Charged Baby |
Crafted at the Mythril Anvil/Orichalcum Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Misaka MitaroMisaka Mitaro |
Charged Coin |
AFK Pets and more/Maya FeyMaya Fey |
Clothiers Diary |
AFK Pets and more/KotohimeKotohime |
Collector Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Doremy SweetDoremy Sweet |
Concentrated Dream |
AFK Pets and more/Concentrated NightmareConcentrated Nightmare |
Concentrated Nightmare |
AFK Pets and more/CourageCourage |
Cooked Meat |
AFK Pets and more/Crystal ThresherCrystal Thresher |
Crystal Bass |
AFK Pets and more/Etherian WyvernEtherian Wyvern |
Crystalized Green Etherian Mana |
AFK Pets and more/WraithWraith |
Dark Crystal Ball |
AFK Pets and more/EnchantressEnchantress |
Dark Energy Ball |
AFK Pets and more/BowserBowser |
Dark Flag |
Crafted at the Mythril Anvil/Orichalcum Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/SlimerSlimer |
Dark Gel |
AFK Pets and more/Blake BelladonnaBlake Belladonna |
Dark Ribbon |
Crafted at the Mythril Anvil/Orichalcum Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/RumiaRumia |
Dark Sphere |
AFK Pets and more/Guppy's HeadGuppy's Head |
Dead Cat |
Crafted at the Ancient Manipulator.
AFK Pets and more/RyukRyuk |
Death Note |
AFK Pets and more/Rat GodRat God |
Dead Rat |
Dropped by the Gold Mouse.
AFK Pets and more/Patrick StarPatrick Star |
Dehydrated Sea Star |
AFK Pets and more/SpongeBob SquarepantsSpongeBob Squarepants |
Dehydrated Sponge |
AFK Pets and more/FinFin |
Demon Blood Sword |
AFK Pets and more/ShinkiShinki |
Demonic Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Mini DinosaurMini Dinosaur |
Desert Core |
AFK Pets and more/KrisKris |
Determinated Sword |
Crafted at the Loom.
AFK Pets and more/Hata no KokoroHata no Kokoro |
Devil Mask |
AFK Pets and more/Mamizou FutatsuiwaMamizou Futatsuiwa |
Disguised Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Bride JunkoBride Junko |
Divine Crystal |
Crafted at the Ancient Manipulator.
AFK Pets and more/Sagume KishinSagume Kishin |
Divine Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/PugPug |
Dog Cookie |
Crafted at the Cooking Pot.
AFK Pets and more/Sand SharkSand Shark |
Dried Bass |
AFK Pets and more/Dry BabyDry Baby |
Dry Baby |
AFK Pets and more/Fran BowFran Bow |
Duotine Pill |
AFK Pets and more/AyameAyame |
Elite Guard Collective Figure |
AFK Pets and more/EllenEllen |
Ellen's Diary |
AFK Pets and more/Megaman XMegaman X |
Energy Heart |
AFK Pets and more/BabaBaba |
Essence of BABA |
AFK Pets and more/Evil SkeletonEvil Skeleton |
Evil Skull |
AFK Pets and more/CreeperCreeper |
Explosive Jam |
Crafted at the Alchemy Table.
AFK Pets and more/Eye RolEye Rol |
Eye in a Glass Jar |
AFK Pets and more/TinkerBellTinkerBell |
Fairy in a bottle |
AFK Pets and more/QuarbleQuarble |
Fallen Soul |
Crafted at the Mythril Anvil/Orichalcum Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/YuyukoYuyuko |
Fan |
AFK Pets and more/CrimeraCrimera |
Flesh Meat |
Dropped by the Crimera.
AFK Pets and more/Aerith GainsboroughAerith Gainsborough |
Flower Girl Collective Figure |
AFK Pets and more/AliceAlice |
Flower Necklace |
AFK Pets and more/EdgarEdgar |
Forge Hammer |
AFK Pets and more/Kaho ReinolKaho Reinol |
Forgotten Doll |
AFK Pets and more/CultistCultist |
Friendship Cookie |
Crafted at the Cooking Pot.
AFK Pets and more/Ice MimicIce Mimic |
Frozen Ancient Coin |
Crafted at the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Little SnakeLittle Snake |
Frozen Mouse |
AFK Pets and more/Yoshi and Baby MarioYoshi and Baby Mario |
Fruit |
Crafted at the Work Bench.
AFK Pets and more/Truffle WormTruffle Worm |
Fungi infected bottle of mud |
AFK Pets and more/Galacta KnightGalacta Knight |
Galactic Shield |
AFK Pets and more/WarioWario |
Garlic |
AFK Pets and more/KurumiKurumi |
Gatekeeper Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Ran YakumoRan Yakumo |
Genius Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Giant TortoiseGiant Tortoise |
Giant Shell |
AFK Pets and more/UndyneUndyne |
Giant Sword |
Crafted at the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Reimu HakureiReimu Hakurei |
Gohei Stick |
AFK Pets and more/Gold BirdGold Bird |
Gold Feather |
AFK Pets and more/Purple GuyPurple Guy |
Golden Bonnie Head |
AFK Pets and more/Gold BunnyGold Bunny |
Golden Carrot |
Crafted at the Work Bench.
AFK Pets and more/Crying ChildCrying Child |
Golden Freddy Plushie |
AFK Pets and more/SonicSonic |
Golden Ring |
Crafted at the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Master HandMaster Hand |
Golden Smash Ball |
AFK Pets and more/Grand DadGrand Dad |
Grand Hat |
AFK Pets and more/Hatsune MikuHatsune Miku |
Green onion |
AFK Pets and more/MarieMarie |
Green squid |
AFK Pets and more/Floaty GrossFloaty Gross |
Gross Sack |
AFK Pets and more/Momiji InubashiriMomiji Inubashiri |
Guardian Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Phoenix WrightPhoenix Wright |
Guide's Autopsy Report |
AFK Pets and more/Irvine KinneasIrvine Kinneas |
Gunman Collective Figure |
AFK Pets and more/Jonathan JoestarJonathan Joestar |
Hamon Infused Rose |
AFK Pets and more/MisaoMisao |
Hands of ??? |
AFK Pets and more/HarpyHarpy |
Harpy Egg |
AFK Pets and more/MeguminMegumin |
Hat of the Arc Wizard |
Crafted at the Loom.
AFK Pets and more/Headless BabyHeadless Baby |
Headless Baby |
Crafted at the Mythril Anvil/Orichalcum Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Child GhostChild Ghost |
Heart of the Corrupted |
Crafted at the Demon Altar/Crimson Altar.
AFK Pets and more/KoakumaKoakuma |
Helper Vampire Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Cloud StrifeCloud Strife |
Hero Collective Figure |
AFK Pets and more/AltairAltair |
Hidden Blade |
AFK Pets and more/Nitori KawashiroNitori Kawashiro |
How to build your Mechanic Lake Monster |
AFK Pets and more/RikkuRikku |
Hunter Collective Figure |
AFK Pets and more/Link2Link2 |
Hylian Shield |
Crafted at the Mythril Anvil/Orichalcum Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Mini-SATLA-001Mini-SATLA-001 |
Interstellar Transmitter |
AFK Pets and more/Gotta SweepGotta Sweep |
Janitor's Broom |
Crafted at the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/RozuRozu |
Jar of Void |
AFK Pets and more/Koishi KomeijiKoishi Komeiji |
Joyful eye |
Crafted at the Mythril Anvil/Orichalcum Anvil.

AFK Pets and more/Ser JunkanSer Junkan AFK Pets and more/Ser JunkanSer Junkan AFK Pets and more/Ser JunkanSer Junkan AFK Pets and more/Ser JunkanSer Junkan AFK Pets and more/Ser JunkanSer Junkan AFK Pets and more/Ser JunkanSer Junkan AFK Pets and more/Ser JunkanSer Junkan |
Junk (2) |
AFK Pets and more/SansSans |
Ketchup Bottle |
AFK Pets and more/KoopaKoopa |
Koopa Shell |
AFK Pets and more/Yugi MutoYugi Muto |
Kuriboh Doll |
AFK Pets and more/Tewi InabaTewi Inaba |
Leader Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/ShantaeShantae |
Life Squid |
AFK Pets and more/LightningLightning |
Lightning Collective Figure |
AFK Pets and more/GrillbyGrillby |
Living Flame |
Crafted at the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Rinnosuke MorichikaRinnosuke Morichika |
Lunar Archer Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Reisen Udongein InabaReisen Udongein Inaba |
Lunar Warrior Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/MarisaMarisa |
Magician Hat |
AFK Pets and more/PatchouliPatchouli |
Magician's Book |
AFK Pets and more/MewtwoMewtwo |
Masterball (150) |
AFK Pets and more/Ho-ohHo-oh |
Masterball (250) |
AFK Pets and more/CelebiCelebi |
Masterball (251) |
AFK Pets and more/KyogreKyogre |
Masterball (382) |
AFK Pets and more/JirachiJirachi |
Masterball (385) |
AFK Pets and more/ArceusArceus |
Masterball (493) |
AFK Pets and more/MeloettaMeloetta |
Masterball (648) |
AFK Pets and more/DiancieDiancie |
Masterball (719) |
AFK Pets and more/RuukotoRuukoto |
Mechanical Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Baby PrimeBaby Prime |
Mechanical Key |
AFK Pets and more/MettatonMettaton |
Mechanical leg |
AFK Pets and more/WakasagihimeWakasagihime |
Mermaid Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/MetroidMetroid |
Metroid Capsule |
AFK Pets and more/ZackZack |
Mini Scythe |
AFK Pets and more/Shinmyoumaru SukunaShinmyoumaru Sukuna |
Miracle Mallet |
AFK Pets and more/Hina KagiyamaHina Kagiyama |
Misfortune Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Kasane TetoKasane Teto |
Muddied Sardine |
AFK Pets and more/AkameAkame |
Murasame |
AFK Pets and more/NapstablookNapstablook |
Music Cd |
AFK Pets and more/KagerouKagerou |
Musk's Lost Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Weiss SchneeWeiss Schnee |
Myrtenaster |
Crafted from the Mythril Anvil/Orichalcum Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/YunaYuna |
Mystic Collective Figure |
AFK Pets and more/Oerba Dia VanilleOerba Dia Vanille |
Narrator Collective Figure |
AFK Pets and more/Suwako MoriyaSuwako Moriya |
Natural Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/LamiaLamia |
Neurotoxin Vial |
AFK Pets and more/LamiaLamia |
Neurotoxin Vial (2) |
AFK Pets and more/NightmareNightmare |
Nightmare Sphere |
AFK Pets and more/IkuIku |
Observer Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/GarfieldGarfield |
Oddie's Collar |
Crafted at the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/OkikuOkiku |
Okiku Doll |
AFK Pets and more/Old LadyOld Lady |
Old Walking Stick |
AFK Pets and more/KratosKratos |
Omega Rune |
AFK Pets and more/SephirothSephiroth |
One Winged Angel Collective Figure |
AFK Pets and more/InklingInkling |
Orange squid |
AFK Pets and more/SarielSariel |
Orb of ??? |
AFK Pets and more/JakeJake |
Otherworldly Adventurers Bag |
AFK Pets and more/JoweeJowee |
Otherworldly Amulet |
AFK Pets and more/Eirin YagokoroEirin Yagokoro |
Otherworldly Bow |
AFK Pets and more/Jotaro KujoJotaro Kujo |
Otherworldly Hat |
AFK Pets and more/Otherworldly adventurerOtherworldly adventurer |
Otherworldly pickaxe |
AFK Pets and more/LucinaLucina |
Otherworldly royal sword |
AFK Pets and more/PadoruPadoru |
Otherworldly Santa Hat |
AFK Pets and more/Gilgamesh (2)Gilgamesh (2) |
Otherworldly Sword |
AFK Pets and more/CirnoCirno |
Overfrozen Crystal |
Crafted at the Tinkerer's Workshop.
AFK Pets and more/Cirno (2)Cirno (2) |
Overfrozen Crystal (2) |
Crafted at the Tinkerer's Workshop.
AFK Pets and more/Renko UsamiRenko Usami |
Physicist Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/KonngaraKonngara |
Prayer Samurai Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/JunkoJunko |
Pure Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Aya ShameimaruAya Shameimaru |
Recident Reporter Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Lil AmberLil Amber |
Red Ribbon |
AFK Pets and more/Yorkshire TerrierYorkshire Terrier |
Red Ribbon (2) |
AFK Pets and more/Terry HintzTerry Hintz |
Remainings of a monster |
Crafted at the Mythril Anvil/Orichalcum Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Seija KijinSeija Kijin |
Reverse Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Tiny Robbie RottenTiny Robbie Rotten |
Rotten Cake |
AFK Pets and more/ChenChen |
Royal Guard Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/FabuFabu |
Rune of Uruz |
AFK Pets and more/Bride FlandreBride Flandre |
Scarlet Blood Crystal |
Crafted at the Philosopher's Work Bench.
AFK Pets and more/Rikako AsakuraRikako Asakura |
Scientist Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Sumireko UsamiSumireko Usami |
Secret Sealer Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/SusieSusie |
Sharpened Axe |
Crafted at the Mythril Anvil/Orichalcum Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Minamitsu MurasaMinamitsu Murasa |
Shipwrecker Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Sanae KochiyaSanae Kochiya |
Shrine Maiden Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/BucketsBuckets |
Six shooter |
Crafted at the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Builder MarioBuilder Mario |
Sledge hammer |
AFK Pets and more/CupheadCuphead |
Soul Contract Parchment |
AFK Pets and more/YoshiYoshi |
Special Mushroom |
Crafted at the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/Lily WhiteLily White |
Spring Seeker Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/MariahMariah |
Strange Metal |
Crafted at the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.
AFK Pets and more/SecuritySecurity |
Strange Owl Plushie |
AFK Pets and more/RydiaRydia |
Summoner Collective Figure |
AFK Pets and more/NikoNiko |
The Sun |
AFK Pets and more/DaiyouseiDaiyousei |
Supportive Fairy Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/Mega KnightMega Knight |
Suspicious Looking Card |
AFK Pets and more/LakituLakitu |
Suspicious Looking Cloud |
AFK Pets and more/Lloid th GyroidLloid th Gyroid |
Suspicious Looking Gyroid |
AFK Pets and more/GildameshGildamesh |
Swordman Collective Figure |
AFK Pets and more/MonokumaMonokuma |
Tiny Bear Head |
AFK Pets and more/ClownpieceClownpiece |
Torch of Hell |
AFK Pets and more/NazrinNazrin |
Treasure Hunter Doll |
Crafted at the Sewing Machine.
AFK Pets and more/KamekKamek |
Wand of the Magikoopa |
AFK Pets and more/AquaAqua |
Wooden Mug of Ale |
Crafted at the Iron Anvil/Lead Anvil.