Ion Gel (AFK Pets and more)

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Ion Gel
  • Ion Gel item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipIt still produces periodic electromagnetic pulses
'Double pressing down will form a charge field'
'While charge field is active doing again will teleport player to the location of charge area'
'When teleportation is being activated for 8 second charge area will damage enemies'
'After 8 seconds in the cooldown it could be relocated as much as player wants but after cooldown its placement become teleport location'
'This will have 1 minute cooldown'
Inflicts DebuffAFK Pets and more/Electrolytic Gel CooldownElectrolytic Gel Cooldown
Debuff duration1 minute
Debuff tooltipIt needs to concentrate its charge
Inflicts DebuffAFK Pets and more/ChargedCharged
Debuff duration2 seconds
Debuff tooltipYour free charge density increased
The charge exchange will decrease your endurance by 5%
Touching any enemy will cause charge flow which will cause electrification
RarityRarity level: 3
Research1 required
Creates Projectile

The Ion Gel is a Pre-Hardmode Accessory obtained by catching the Iron Maiden Slime's Remains. When equipped, double-tapping ▼ Down will create an Electromagnetic Area that inflicts the Charged debuff and double-tapping ▼ Down again will teleport the player towards the Electromagnetic Area and give them the Electrolytic Gel Cooldown debuff, preventing them from teleporting to Electromagnetic Areas.

Template:AFK Pets and more/Master Template Equipables