The Purifier (Wrath of the Gods)

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The Purifier
  • The Purifier (Wrath of the Gods).png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Use time8 (Insanely fast)
TooltipResets the entire world to its original state

This process can take a while, so don't be alarmed if the game idles for a bit

Once thrown, the bomb takes 15 seconds to detonate

If you accidentally throw it, you can save and quit to prevent it from exploding

RarityCalamity Red (Wrath of the Gods).png
Research1 required
 Obtained from
Wrath of the Gods/Nameless Deity of LightNameless Deity of Light1100%

The Purifier is an item dropped by the Nameless Deity of Light. When thrown, it it hurled into the air where it hovers for about 15 seconds, rapidly flashing white, before exploding and beginning to reset the entire world.


After The Purifier detonates, a white screen pops up along with descriptive text as wavedash.ppt by Lena Raine begins playing:

  • Hi! This white background is natural. Your game is not broken.

    Please do not report the long wait as a bug. Please.

    Just sit back, relax, and drink some water if you haven't done so in a

    while. Or just focus on something else. Your call.

    Anyway, as you might've guessed, the world generation is being done

    all over again from scratch.

    Let's talk about that, shall we? Why this process takes so long and is

    so strange, to be specific.

    For starters, did you know that Terraria's worlds are just a giant

    8401x2401 grid of tiles?

    It's sized such that all worlds up to large can fit within it.

    That grid exists in memory from the moment you start the game up

    until the moment you close it. Dozens of megabytes of memory,

    to be exact.

    There is some form of "chunking", or splitting them up into

    subsections, but that's really only used in multiplayer,

    because sending the entire world across the network to clients would be

    terrible and very likely cause crashes.

    This is why when servers are about to die you can fall off the map.

    That's you walking outside of the bounds of one of these "chunks"

    because the server can't send you the other chunks.

    Back to worldgen, everything has to operate with this grid. Unlike,

    say, Minecraft, the world generation isn't something that can be done on the fly.

    It must be done all at once.

    Furthermore, many of the worldgen steps are done synchronously, or

    one at a time, instead of having multiple happening at the same time.

    Of course, you couldn't do the latter for everything, since in a lot of

    cases you'd run into conflicts. But as you can imagine, having this

    run in parallel where possible would be a really desirable boon for


    In some cases, certain steps just aren't very efficient. Certain

    situations can result in Settling Liquids steps taking several seconds

    at a time.

    The Desertification step from what I can tell boils down to a

    concerning amount of looping. First horizontally throughout

    the entire desert.

    Then vertically from top to bottom. Then through all "clusters"

    throughout the desert, and then through all tiles inside of the cluster.

    I attribute most of these inefficiencies to modders and not the vanilla

    game, however (and I'm also guilty of this).

    An old, weird practice I used to do was using recursion (aka having a

    function that calls itself. It's a bit weird to explain) to calculate all

    water in a given area for the Sulphurous Sea, and then doing that

    many, many times repeatedly.

    It's... a mess.

    Anyway! I'd go on further but it's possible that your world is almost fully wiped.

    Wouldn't want to get abruptly cut off!

    I'll give you this monologue again the next time you have worlds to reset.

    See you around!

  • Tips

    • It is recommended to be extremely cautious with using The Purifier as the world's former state will be nigh-irrecoverable once it detonates.
