Touhou Little Friend Wiki

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Welcome to Touhou Little Friend Wiki
the comprehensive reference of Touhou Little Friend Mod
The encyclopedia has 4 articles and 27 files.
Touhou Little Friend ~ Adventure with cute partners
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Touhou Little Friend is a mod based on Touhou Project series, which mainly about pet contents. You can get your own little partner with defeating enemies, crafting or just purchase. Every pet has their own emotion, they can express their thoughts, do things they want, or even interact with other pets! Take them and make your journey never be alone, start your adventure with Gensokyo's everyone!
There are at least 46 pets have been add, this mod will keep updating and please waiting for our next step!
Latest Version
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Touhou Little Friend
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  • Touhou Little Friend Wiki/Pet interactionPet interaction
  • Touhou Little Friend Wiki/Mysterious GapMysterious Gap