Eye of the Storm (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Eye of the Storm
  • Eye of the Storm item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipGreatly increases luck
Increases critical strike damage by 12%
Critical hits cause lightning to arc to nearby enemies
RarityRarity level: 6
Lightning arcing between enemies with The Eye of the Storm alone, and stacking with the other tinker and ingredient

Eye of the Storm is a tinker of the Storm Charm and The Eye of the Derpling, combining the uses of both. On a critical hit from any weapon it creates a lightning orb to arc from the struck enemy to up to 3 other enemies. Each time it arcs it deals 60% less damage, but it has 20 armor penetration. It also increases the player's luck by 0.3, and increases the damage of critical hits by 12%.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Eye of the StormEye of the Storm
Tinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop


  • When stacked with either the Storm Charm or Shock Quiver the arc count is increased to 4 and the damage loss reduced to 45%.
    • If all 3 accessories are stacked then the arc count is further increased to 5 and the damage loss reduced to 30%.
  • The lightning bolt requires a line of sight to an enemy to arc to them.
  • The lightning does not damage the enemy that triggered it.
  • There is a 10 frame cooldown between lightning activations, limiting the lightning arcs per second to 6.
  • This accessory stacks fully with the Eye of the Derpling, allowing up to 20% increased crit chance, 24% increased crit damage, and +0.6 luck.
    • It also stacks with the Eye of the Jungle for a total of 36% crit damage, and +0.9 luck.
