Cleansing Charm (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Cleansing Charm
  • Cleansing Charm item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Use time45 (Very slow)
TooltipRemoves all permanent shimmer upgrades and Artisan Loaf effects from you and refunds the item
Will remove the effects of the currently consumed items:
RarityRarity level: 6
The Cleansing Charm removing the permanent upgrades and returning the items

The Cleansing Charm is a special consumable item that removes the effects of many permanent shimmer upgrades and the Artisan loaf, and also returns the items to the player.

It can remove the effects of the following items:



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Cleansing CharmCleansing Charm
ShimmerShimmer Transmutation


  • The tooltip will show the list of effects that will be removed.
    • If no effects have been consumed, then the tooltip will say "No permanent effects active" and the item will not be consumable.