Zomboid Warlock (Spooky Mod)

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Zomboid Warlock
Zomboid Warlock (Spooky Mod).gif
AI TypeFighter AI
Damage20 / 40 / 60
Max Life100 / 200 / 300
KB Resist50%

Zomboid Warlock is an enemy that spawns in the Spooky Forest during the night and in the Spooky Underground. It will periodically stop and summon 3 Magic Skull (Spooky Mod).pngWarlock Skulls that fly in a straight line aimed at the player. The Skulls ignore tiles, disappear after 2.5 seconds, and can be destroyed by hitting them with any weapon or tool. Additionally, only 1 Zomboid Warlock can exist at a time.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Zomboid Warlock: "These not so braindead zomboids are smart enough to use and learn magic, allowing them to conjure spells to attack foes."


  • 1.2.5: Warlock Skulls now count as NPCs and can be destroyed with weapons or tools.
  • 1.2: Nerfed damage from 22 / 44 / 66 to 20 / 40 / 60.
  • 1.0:
    • Nerfed maximum life from 150 / 300 / 450 to 100 / 200 / 300.
    • Increased the chance to drop Warlock Hood from 10% to 20%
    • Increased the chance to drop Zomboid Warlock's Skull from 8.33% to 16.67%
    • Increased the chance to drop Warlock's Cloak from 5.56% to 16.67%
    • Decreased spawn rates.
  • 0.5: Introduced.