Zomboid Pyromancer (Spooky Mod)

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Zomboid Pyromancer
Zomboid Pyromancer (Spooky Mod).gif
AI TypeFighter AI
Damage25 / 50 / 75
Max Life150 / 300 / 450
KB Resist50%
Immune toConfused

Zomboid Pyromancer is an enemy that spawns in the Creepy Catacombs. Upon getting close to the player, a Pyromancer will begin casting a flame spell. Upon finishing casting, the spell will backfire, permanently afflicting the Pyromancer with the Hellfire debuff and causing them to run towards the player while leaving lingering greek fire projectiles.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Zomboid Pyromancer: "Sometimes, even the most dedicated zomboid mages do not know how to use magic correctly. Judging by their burnt cloak, this is not the first time their spells exploded in their face."


  • 1.2.3: Fixed greek fire's incorrect damage scaling.
  • 1.2: Now drops Skull Amulet instead of Idol of Flame.
  • 1.1:
    • Decreased the chance to drop Franken Marshmallow from 2% to 1%
    • Now immune to Confused.
  • 1.0: Introduced.