Tome of Spirits (Spooky Mod)

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Tome of Spirits
  • Tome of Spirits item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Use time20 (Very fast)
TooltipSummons one of the grave-robber's spirits to fight with and protect you
The spirit summoned depends on the color of the book's eye
Use to switch the type of spirit this book summons
Grants BuffSpooky Mod/Blueford's Holy ShieldBlueford's Holy Shield
Buff duration10 seconds
Buff tooltip15 extra defense
RarityRarity level: 2
Research1 required
This article is about the accessory. For the enemy of the same name see Tome of Spirits (enemy).

The Tome of Spirits is a pre-Hardmode accessory obtained as a reward for completing Little Eye's Tome of Spirits quest. When equipped, it will summon one of the three bandit ghosts, with the type depending on the color of the Tome's eye. The color of the eye can be cycled through by using the item with Use / Attack.

  • Spooky Mod/Tome of Spirits (red)Red - Summons Rarg (Spooky Mod).pngRarg's Spirit, who will repeatedly dash at the nearest enemy, dealing 40 damage and inflicting heavy knockback on contact.
  • Spooky Mod/Tome of Spirits (green)Green - Summons Greeny (Spooky Mod).pngGreeny's Spirit, who will periodically launch a volley of 3 Magic Blasts at the nearest enemy, with each Blast deling 40 damage.
  • Spooky Mod/Tome of Spirits (blue)Blue - Summons Blueford (Spooky Mod).pngBlueford's Spirit, who will cast shield magic every 15 seconds, which grants the Blueford's Holy Shield buff to players. The buff increases defense by 15 and lasts for 10 seconds.


  • 1.2: Introduced.