Temple of Moco (Spooky Mod)

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BiomeBannerTempleofMoco (Spooky Mod).png
A map view of the Temple of Moco with the regular combat arenas to the right of the entrance and Noseferatu's arena to the left.

The Temple of Moco is a structure located on the far end of the Valley of Eyes. The entrance to the Temple is initially sealed by a trapdoor, which can only be opened by a Shadow Key. The structure is made out of Occultist Bricks and Occultist Slabs, which cannot be broken under normal circumstances. The color of the Bricks and Slabs is randomised on world creation.

The Temple does not have any natural spawns, instead consisting of multiple arenas with set combat encounters against the Nose Cultists. Entering an arena will seal the player inside with barrier blocks. Completing an arena will destroy its Idol, granting further passage. After destroying all 5 Idols, the player will gain access to the final arena, containing the fight against Noseferatu - the Cult's leader. Using the Nose Idol of Time Reversal will reset all combat encounters in the Temple, allowing the player to go through them again.

If the player is wearing the Cultist set, all enemies in the Temple will become friendly NPCs that can be interacted with.


Combat Arenas

Arena Enemies
1 Spooky Mod/Cultist GruntCultist Grunt x6
Spooky Mod/Cultist GunnerCultist Gunner x2
2 Spooky Mod/Cultist GruntCultist Grunt x4
Spooky Mod/Cultist GunnerCultist Gunner x2
Spooky Mod/Cultist FlierCultist Flier x2
3 Spooky Mod/Cultist GruntCultist Grunt x3
Spooky Mod/Cultist GunnerCultist Gunner x1
Spooky Mod/Cultist FlierCultist Flier x3
Spooky Mod/Cultist ConjurerCultist Conjurer x1
4 Spooky Mod/Cultist GruntCultist Grunt x2
Spooky Mod/Cultist FlierCultist Flier x2
Spooky Mod/Cultist ConjurerCultist Conjurer x1
Spooky Mod/Cultist BruteCultist Brute x1
5 Spooky Mod/Cultist GunnerCultist Gunner x1
Spooky Mod/Cultist FlierCultist Flier x4
Spooky Mod/Cultist ConjurerCultist Conjurer x2
Spooky Mod/Cultist BruteCultist Brute x1
