Spider Grotto (Spooky Mod)

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BiomeBannerSpiderGrotto (Spooky Mod).png
A map view of the Spider Grotto.

The Spider Grotto is an underground biome that is generated upon world creation, located close to the Ice biome. It consists of damp, open caverns, lined with roots and dimly glowing mushrooms. Various spider enemies are present in the biome, with some being Hardmode exclusive. The Spider Grotto itself is surrounded by a layer of unsafe Spider Walls.

Multiple ruined houses can be found across the biome with Barrels that contain loot. The largest house can be found near the center of Spider Grotto, originally belonging to Old Hunter.


Old Hunter's House

The Old Hunter's House.

The Old Hunter's House is a large structure near the center of the Spider Grotto. The house is enveloped in a cocoon, hanging from the ceiling. Bringing 4 Old Hunter's Body Parts to the Giant Web at the bottom of the house will form the Old Hunter NPC.

NPC happiness

Spooky Mod/Spider GrottoSpider Grotto
Loved bySpooky Mod/Old HunterOld Hunter
Disliked byn/a
Hated byn/a

For more information, see NPC happiness.


  • An area is considered a Spider Grotto biome if there are at least 1200 Damp Soil tiles below the Surface.


