Rot Gourd (Spooky Mod)

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Rot Gourd
Rot Gourd (Spooky Mod).png
Rot Gourd Map Icon (Spooky Mod).png
Map Icon
Damage22 / 44 / 66
Max Life2,200 / 3,300 / 4,950
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfused

This giant rotting husk and their little fly friends are not fond of invaders in their land. Rotty will aggressively jump while jerry acts as a turret, spitting nasty mold spores and bugs.

BestiaryBestiary (Rot Gourd)

The Rot Gourd is a Pre-Hardmode boss, intended to be fought after the Eye of Cthulhu

While the Rot Gourd is alive, its exclusive music Funky Pumpkin will play.


Rot Gourd does not spawn on its own, and requires the player to summon it by using a Rotten Seed. It can only be summoned while in the Spooky Forest.


After being summoned, the Rot Gourd will slam down from the sky, ignoring tiles above the player. Upon landing, it will knock all players that stand on the ground into the air. The Rot Gourd is always surrounded by a cloud 12 linkFlies that initially deal no damage to the player. As the battle progresses, Rot Gourd will lose chunks of its flesh, increasing the number of Flies (24 below 75% health, 36 below 50%, and 56 below 25%).

The Rot Gourd will alternate between the following attacks:

  • Jumps directly above the player before quickly falling down on them 3 times. Upon landing, the Rot Gourd will lightly push players that were standing on the ground into the air.
  • Jumps high into the air and then quickly slams down on top of the player. Upon landing, the Rot Gourd will push players that were standing on the ground into the air.
  • Jumps across the player, with the Flies charging directly at the player one after another, being able to damage them.
  • Releases Mold Spore (Spooky Mod).pngMold Spores that home in on the player before stopping and lingering for 5.33 seconds.
    • Only performs this attack below 75% health.
  • Quickly jumps in place 3 times, releasing 10-14 arcing Dirt Debris (Spooky Mod).pngDirt Debris with each slam.
    • Only performs this attack below 50% health.

Below 25% health, Rot Gourd gains a different set of attacks, discarding all previous ones:

  • The cloud of Flies carries Rot Gourd into the air before dropping it on top of the player 3 times. Upon landing, the Rot Gourd will lightly push players that were standing on the ground into the air.
  • The cloud of Flies positions itself above the player and charges into them. Afterwards, the Rot Gourd will jump across the player two times, releasing a small amount of Flies to charge at the player with each jump. Upon landing, the Rot Gourd will lightly push players that were standing on the ground into the air.



  • 1.2.3:
    • Decreased damage from 30 / 60 / 90 to 22 / 44 / 66.
    • Increased defense from 5 to 12.
    • Fixed projectiles' damage scaling.
    • Fixed multiplayer health scaling.
  • 1.2.1: Increased damage from 28 / 56 / 84 to 30 / 60 / 90.
  • 1.2:
    • Now drops Rusted Compass and Pumpkin Guts.
    • Now enters its last phase below 25% health instead of below 33.33%
    • Fixed inconsistencies with the debris ground slam attack.