Old Hunter (Spooky Mod)

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Old Hunter
Old Hunter (Spooky Mod).png
Old Hunter Map Icon (Spooky Mod).png
Map Icon
Max Life250
KB Resist50%

An ancient old hunter that once called the grotto home before it became taken over by spiders. He enjoys collecting guns along with other ranged weapons he can get his hands on.

BestiaryBestiary (Old Hunter)

The Old Hunter is an NPC vendor that sells various items related to the ranger class. He will move in once the following criteria have been met:

  • There is an available vacant house.
  • Awakening him by bringing all 4 Old Hunter's Body Parts to the Giant Web in the center of the Spider Grotto biome. Afterwards, if the Old Hunter NPC is killed, he will move in again after some time as long as there are vacant houses.

When threatened by enemies, the Old Hunter will defend himself by throwing Bone Glove's XBones.

Items Sold

Item Cost Availability

Spooky Mod/Bone BenderBone Bender 10 Always available.
Spooky Mod/High-Velocity SlingshotHigh-Velocity Slingshot 10 Always available.
Spooky Mod/Totally Legal ShotgunTotally Legal Shotgun 20 After defeating Skeletron.
Spooky Mod/Holy FireHoly Fire 40 In Hardmode.
Spooky Mod/Old Hunter's ScarfOld Hunter's Scarf 12 Always available.
Spooky Mod/Rusted BulletRusted Bullet 5 Always available.
Spooky Mod/Mossy PebbleMossy Pebble 35 Always available.
Spooky Mod/Old AppleOld Apple 20 Always available.
Spooky Mod/Snow Berry ShrubSnow Berry Shrub 15 Always available.
Spooky Mod/Fleshy CompassFleshy Compass 15 Always available.
Spooky Mod/Any PylonAny Pylon 10 When in a specific biome and is happy enough.

Living preferences

LovesSpooky Mod/Spider GrottoSpider GrottoArms DealerArms Dealer
HatesThe HallowThe HallowNurseNurse

For more information, see NPC happiness.


The Old Hunter may have any of the following names:

  • Gerald
  • Hunter
  • Marrow
  • Mike
  • Bob


Interaction quotes

  • When awakened:

    • "Huh? What the hell is this? And who the hell are you!? What even happened, how long was I asleep for? Eh whatever, it probably don't matter. You look decently strong, you wanna buy some of my crazy weapons?"

    Standard dialogue:

    • "Y'know, if ya want guns you've come to the right place! I've got some classic weapons ain't no one can top!"
    • "Hunting is a great sport! You ever try to snipe one of them weird lil' spider creatures from far away?"
    • "Fantasy swords? Crazy magic weapons? Why not use a good ol' gun like a normal person?"
    • "Didja know that the grotto used to not be infested by spiders? We used to get visitors all time but apparently spiders are too scary for some people."
    • "Ya ever used a slingshot before? Well I doubt you ever used one of my state-of-the-art high-velocity ones!"
  • Happiness quotes

  • When homeless:

    • "You know, I was wonderin' if you had a cozy place to live."

    When neutral:

    • "I am content."

    When far from home:

    • "I am too far from home."

    When in a sparse area:

    • "The amount of space here is real nice!"

    When overcrowded:

    • "Ain't liking how many people are around me right now."
    • "It's too damn crowded here. Way too much yip-yapping!"

    When in the Spider Grotto:

    • "Ahh the good ol' Spider Grotto. Still love this place despite them ugly ass spiders wandering around!"

    When in the Jungle:

    • "The Jungle is my type of biome. Nothin' says home quite like fending off venomous bugs and bats!"

    When in the Ocean:

    • "Not really likin' the Ocean, too peaceful and calm for me."

    When in The Hallow:

    • "What the hell is this so-called Hallowed? I ain't wanna live in fairytale land!"

    When near the Arms Dealer:

    • "<name of Arms Dealer> is awesome! Glad there's some hard-core dudes out there!"

    When near the Tax Collector:

    • "I like <name of Tax Collector>. Honestly I'm just glad I got someone old to talk with haha!"

    When near the Princess:

    • "<name of Princess>? Seems way too hoity-toity for me."

    When near the Nurse:

    • "<name of Nurse> can screw off. Don't think I ever seen such a terrible attitude before!"
  • History

    • 1.2:
      • Now sells Old Apple, Snow Berry Shrub, and Fleshy Compass.
      • Changed the bestiary entry from "An ancient old hunter that once called the grotto home before it became taken over by spiders." to "An ancient old hunter that once called the grotto home before it became taken over by spiders. He enjoys collecting guns along with other ranged weapons he can get his hands on."
    • 1.1.3: Attempted to fix not being woken up when spoken to in multiplayer.
    • 1.1.1: Fixed one of the dialogue lines not displaying properly.
    • 1.1: Introduced.