Lower Catacombs (Spooky Mod)

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BiomeBannerLowerCatacombs (Spooky Mod).png
A map view of the Lower Catacombs on a medium-sized world.

The Lower Catacombs is a structure located directly below the Creepy Catacombs and its Hardmode counterpart. Compared to its upper version, the Lower Catacombs are much more treacherous, with traps and hidden paths being abundant. Lower Catacombs are comprised of multiple interconnected rooms in a rectangle, with its dimensions depending on the world's size (3 rooms wide x 4 rooms high on Small, 5 x 5 on Medium, and 9 x 6 on Large worlds). The structure is primarily made out of Brown Catacomb Bricks, which cannot be broken under normal circumstances.

The entrance to the Lower Catacombs is initially sealed by a trapdoor, which can only be opened by a Red Barrier Key from Daffodil. Entering the Catacombs without opening the trapdoor will spawn the Catacomb Guardian. While in the structure and prior to defeating Big Bone, the player will be afflicted with the Curse of the Catacombs debuff that heavily reduces vision.

In the middle of the Lower Catacombs is the room that contains the Pandora's Box and its event. Big Bone's arena can be found at the bottom of the Catacombs, being blocked by an Orange Trapdoor, the key for which is dropped by Golem.


Avarice Pot Room

The Avarice Pot Room

The Avarice Pot Room is a rare room that has a 0.5*1/200 (0.5%) chance to generate in the Lower Catacombs. It contains Golden furniture, piles of Gold Coins, and Pots of Avarice.


  • A player is considered to be in the Lower Catacombs biome if they are standing in front of an unsafe Brown Catacomb Brick Wall or an unsafe Lower Catacomb Grass Wall below the Surface.
  • While Big Bone's arena is locked behind a Trapdoor, entering it without using its key will not summon the Catacomb Guardian.
