Little Bone

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A friendly skull plant creature who hangs around in his flower pot. He likes to give advice to passerbys.
Bestiary (Little Bone)
The Little Bone is a friendly NPC that can be found in a small building in the Spooky Forest. Initially, he will appear as Sleeping Plant and will be awoken after interacting with him. He offers advice on the mod's progression and can give the player the Little Bone's Flower Pot, an item that allows to summon Little Bone anywhere.
Shimmered form
Shimmered Little Bone
Map Icon
When submerged in Shimmer, the Little Bone will transform into his Shimmered form. This has no impact on gameplay or dialogue and is only a visual change. He can be returned to his classic look by submerging him in Shimmer again.
Interaction quotes
Upon being awoken:
- "Oh, you must be new around here! You can call me little bone, and I can offer advice on what stuff you can do next. Just stop by if you want to talk with me!"
Normal dialogue:
- "Why am I dancing, you ask? Because it's fun, You should try it sometime."
- "When is spooky season? It's always spooky season! Well, from my perspective anyway."
- "Wow, you look like you're in the halloween spirit!"
- "It's fun going on adventures, too bad I can't move in this flower pot."
- "Being a plant isn't so bad, at least I can enjoy the scenery!"
- "..."
While in the Spooky Forest:
- "Sometimes I like to talk to the other skull plants that pop up around here, but they don't seem to respond back."
- "The spooky forest is such a wonderful place to live! Well, aside from those weird zomboids at night."
- "Apparently underneath this place is a large cavern filled with strange mushrooms, sounds like it'd be fun to explore!"
While in the Valley of Eyes:
- "You know, for a place that exists in the underworld, it is oddly cold here."
- "This place gives me the creeps! Somehow I feel like I am being stalked even when nothing is nearby."
- "There are so many nasty organs and tentacles growing in this biome, it's grossing me out."
- "The creatures that live here are so much different than anywhere else, and how are some of them even alive?"
While in the Swampy Cemetery:
- "This place is really foggy and spooky, I love it!"
- "Be aware of your surroundings, I have heard there are ghosts here that can potentially possess unsuspecting humans."
- "The cemetery is a strange area, where zombies and other undead monsters come to life. Be careful around here!"
While in the Creepy Catacombs:
- "Theres an awful lot of plants down here for an underground catacomb that has no sunlight..."
- "Careful, I have heard rumors of explorers getting crushed by giant rolling skulls!"
- "Something about this place is strange. The undead creatures here are very odd compared to everywhere else."
While in the Lower Catacombs:
- "There seems to be an infestation of strange plants down here. Some of them are even sentient!"
- "I wonder how there is so much plant life down here, with absolutely no sunlight."
- "Something about this place is strange. These plant creatures seem weirdly familiar."
While in the Spider Grotto:
- "This place is a lot darker than I thought, I wonder what kind of people used to live down here?"
- "Theres so many glowing eyes everywhere! I hope you don't get bitten by any deadly poisonous spiders."
- "Ewww!!! There's so much sticky cobweb here, can we leave here soon?"
While in the Forest:
- "This forest is like the spooky forest... but where did all the spooky go?"
- "This is a nice area you've found! Very calm and peaceful."
- "I like this place. This nice forest makes me feel at home, even outside of the spooky forest."
While in the Snow biome:
- "Brrrr, this is a very cold forest!"
- "This place looks a bit spooky, but its awfully cold here!"
While in the Desert:
- "What is this horrible place? Its nothing but sand and awfully hot weather. I don't like this area."
- "Ouch! Why are there so many painful prickly plants here? I thought plants were supposed to be nice and friendly!"
- "Can we go somewhere else? Sand keeps getting inside my flower pot!"
While in the Jungle:
- "This is a really dense and humid forest. Very groovy!"
- "Why is everything here so unfriendly? Even the plants here try to eat you!"
While in the Glowing Mushroom biome:
- "This place looks really nice, but why are you looking at me like that?"
- "I have heard of such strange places before, but I never thought you would actually find one!"
While in the Dungeon:
- "This dungeon is so spooky! I wonder if those other skeletons in the distance are coming to us to spread halloween cheer?"
While in The Aether:
- "This is the most pretty lake I have ever seen!"
- "What a mystical and sparkly lake, I wonder what would happen when you jump in it?"
While in the Corruption:
- "This place is kind of cool, too bad I keep hearing that it's evil and corrupts anything it touches."
- "The creatures here are so gross, I hate looking at them!"
While in the Crimson:
- "EW EW EW EW EW!!! What kind of wretched place is this?!"
- "Oh my goodness, how could such a horrible thing exist in this land? This is too spooky, even for me."
While in The Hallow:
- "Whoa, this place is so sparkly and bright! I don't think this was here before, was it?"
- "For an area that looks very nice and peaceful, there sure are a lot of deadly fairies in it!"
If the player clicks "Transport":
- "Here, take my magical transportation pot. When you use this, it will allow you to bring me anywhere on your adventures! I was hoping I could tag along and help you when you need."
- If the player already has the Little Bone's Flower Pot in their inventory:
- "It looks like you already have my magical flower pot."
No advice available:
- "Sorry, I do not have any advice to offer right now."
If the Eye of Cthulhu has not been defeated and the player has less than 10 defense:
- "It seems you are still beginning your adventure. Just search around the spooky forest, there are a lot of different things you can find and make!"
If the Eye of Cthulhu has been defeated or the player has 10 or more defense, and Rot Gourd has not been defeated:
- "Now that you have some decent gear, I have heard stories that an old rotting gourd the size of a house once looked over this biome! Breaking the pumpkins that grow here might allow you to find him."
If Rot Gourd has been defeated and Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu have not been defeated:
- "If you go past the tropical jungle, there is a dark and foggy cemetery. You can probably search for some loot there!"
If the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu have been defeated and Spooky Spirit has not been defeated:
- "There's a giant grotto infested with spider-like creatures out in the world somewhere. You may just be strong enough to explore it, you can find it deep underground."
- "I have heard rumors that a giant, powerful spirit who resides in the swampy cemetery challenges those who it deems worthy, and I think you might be worthy enough with your current strength."
If Spooky Spirit has been defeated and the world is not in Hardmode:
- "Now that you have access into the catacombs, you should explore it. I've heard there is a lot of lost loot down there! You can find it below one of the buildings in that foggy cemetery past the jungle."
- "Down in the underworld underneath the jungle, you can find a really creepy biome filled with eyes! I do not like it there because it feels like I am being watched, but you look strong enough to explore it."
After entering Hardmode and if no Mechanical bosses have been defeated:
- "Now that you have defeated the flesh wall, you should return to the catacombs. Apparently if you can wake up and defeat the guardian of the deep catacombs, she will allow you to explore further."
If all Mechanical bosses have been defeated and Orro & Boro have not been defeated:
- "Now that you have defeated all of those giant robots, you can probably return to the creepy eye valley. Apparently there is a skilled alchemist who resides in the creepy eye place who can create a special substance."
If Golem has been defeated and Big Bone has not been defeated:
- "Since you have access into the catacombs arena, you can finally confront the one causing all the chaos down there."
- The Little Bone and Sleeping Plant are completely invincible and cannot be damaged in any way.