Undying Embryo (Spooky Mod)

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Expert Mode.png
Expert and Master Mode-Only Content: This information applies only to Expert Mode, Master Mode, and worlds with these modes.
Undying Embryo
  • Undying Embryo item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipUpon death you will be revived and given high life regeneration and defense for a short time
This revive ability has a 10 minute cooldown before it can activate again
During the cooldown, you gain 8% increased damage and critical strike chance
Grants BuffSpooky Mod/Embryotic RevivalEmbryotic Revival
Buff duration10 seconds
Buff tooltipThe embyro has saved you from death
Majorly increases defense and life regeneration
Inflicts DebuffSpooky Mod/Embryotic ShatterEmbryotic Shatter
Debuff duration10 minutes
Debuff tooltipThe embryo's revival must recharge
Increases all damage and critical strike chance
RarityRarity level: 6
Research1 required
Obtained from Obtained from
Spooky Mod/Treasure Bag (Orro & Boro)Treasure Bag(Orro & Boro)1100%

The Undying Embryo is a Hardmode accessory dropped by Orro & Boro in Expert Mode. When equipped, taking fatal damage will return the player to 1 life and grant them the Embryotic Revival buff, the Embryotic Shatter debuff, as well as 1 second of immunity frames. Embryotic Revival lasts 10 seconds, increases life regeneration by 40 HP/s, and increases defense by 15. Embryotic Shatter lasts 10 minutes, prevents Undying Embryo's revive from occuring, and grants 8% increased damage and critical strike chance.


  • 1.2:
    • Now grants 1 second of immunity frames upon being revived.
    • Fixed the Nurse being able to remove the Embryotic Shatter debuff.
  • 1.0: Changed rarity from Pink to Light Purple.
  • 0.6: Increased sell price from 1 to 5.
  • 0.3.2: Introduced.