Diva Dragon Fruit (Spooky Mod)

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Diva Dragon Fruit
  • Diva Dragon Fruit item sprite
  • Diva Dragon Fruit placed
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipSpawns a dragon fruit that will orbit around you and chase nearby enemies
After hitting an enemy the fruit will die, and will respawn after a few seconds
Eating multiple of this bloom while having this bloom's ability active will increase its stack
Each stack of this buff gives you an additional orbiting fruit, up to 10 total
3 minute duration
RarityRarity level: 5
SellNo value
Research2 required
Creates Projectile
  • Diva Dragon Fruits
    Diva Dragon Fruits (projectile) (Spooky Mod).png

The Diva Dragon Fruit is a consumable bloom that can be grown from Diva Sprouts. When used, it grants its bloom buff for 3 minutes, which spawns a Diva Dragon Fruit orbital that ignores tiles and homes in on nearby enemies, dealing 60 damage and dying in the process. The orbital will respawn 2 seconds after hitting an enemy. Consuming multiple Diva Dragon Fruits will increase the buff's stack, displayed under its duration. Each stack grants an additional orbital, up to a maximum of 10.


  • 1.2: Introduced.