Buffs (Spooky Mod)

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Buffs are positive status effects granted to a player upon consuming, equipping, or otherwise activating various items. Active buffs are shown as icons below the hotbar, along with their remaining duration. Buffs are almost universally positive or at least benign effects, in contrast with debuffs, over which the player has much less control.

From Items and Environment

Buff From Effect Duration
Spooky Mod/Blueford's Holy Shield Blueford's Holy Shield Tome of Spirits +15 defense 10 seconds
Spooky Mod/Embryotic Revival Embryotic Revival Undying Embryo +15 defense, +40 HP/s health regeneration 5 seconds
Spooky Mod/Fly Swarm Fly Swarm Charm of the Flies +1 defense per fly Infinite (if a fly is present)
Spooky Mod/Glowshroom Regeneration Glowshroom Regeneration Bustling Glowshroom +5 HP/s health regeneration Infinite (while standing still)
Spooky Mod/Gooseberry Boost Gooseberry Boost Plump Gooseberry +7.5 HP/s health regeneration, increases maximum runniong speed and acceleration 5 seconds
Spooky Mod/Necromantic Frenzy Necromantic Frenzy Skull Amulet +15% damage, +15% critical strike chance, +150% knockback infliction, +15% movement speed 10 seconds
Spooky Mod/Pumpkin Head Pumpkin Head Spirit Horseman's armor Summons a flying head Infinite
Spooky Mod/Slenderman Page Buff Slenderman Page Buff The Eighth Page Increases the damage of slenderman tentacles by 40-79 10 seconds
Spooky Mod/Spi-Ops Stealth Spi-Ops Stealth Spi-Ops armor +12% damage reduction, decreases enemy aggro 10 seconds
Spooky Mod/Strawberry Boost Strawberry Boost Mountain Strawberry +10% damage, +10% critical strike chance, +150% knockback infliction 10 seconds

From Friendly NPCs

Buff From Effect Duration
Spooky Mod/Noseferatu's Blessing Noseferatu's Blessing Noseferatu 10% chance to spawn a booger projectiles upon hitting an enemy 10 minutes

From Summon weapons

Buff From Tooltip
Spooky Mod/Baby Spiders Baby Spiders Strange Spider Egg They have imprinted on you
Spooky Mod/Billy-Bone Billy-Bone Avian's Crux Billy-Bone the raven protects you!
Spooky Mod/Brainy Brainy Brainy in a Jar Brainy suspiciously follows you
Spooky Mod/Friendly Tortumor Friendly Tortumor Gore Staff The tortumor will fight with you
Spooky Mod/Gargoyle Gargoyle Gargoyle Scepter Grug the gargoyle protects you!
Spooky Mod/Gourd Goober Gourd Goober Branch of Gourd The small gourd will crush enemies
Spooky Mod/Leech Leech Swarm Scepter The leech will fight with you
Spooky Mod/Little Entity Little Entity Rusty Cowbell The baby entity will fight with you
Spooky Mod/Nose Fly Nose Fly Sneeze Scepter The nose buzzes around you
Spooky Mod/Old Hunter Souls Old Hunter Souls Hunter Soul Scepter The souls of the hunters will protect you
Spooky Mod/Plant Hand Plant Hand Plant Puncher Staff The plant hand will punch your foes!
Spooky Mod/Skull Idol Empowerment Skull Idol Empowerment Skull Totem Scepter Increased summon damage, whip range, and +2 max minions
Spooky Mod/Skull Wisp (buff) Skull Wisp Zomboid Warlock's Skull The skull wisp will fight with you
Spooky Mod/Soul Skull (buff) Soul Skull Skull Totem Scepter The soul skull will fight with you
Spooky Mod/Winged Biomass Winged Biomass Living Caduceus The winged biomass is looking out for you

From Pets

Buff From Tooltip
Spooky Mod/Albino Rat Albino Rat Expired Cheese Cute and probably carries disease!
Spooky Mod/Baby Bone Baby Bone Skull Seed It may be absorbing your nutrients
Spooky Mod/Baby Cephalopod Baby Cephalopod Claret Shell A friendly little cephalopod follows you
Spooky Mod/Black Kitten Black Kitten Evil Eyes The evil little kitten follows you
Spooky Mod/Baby Moco Baby Moco Suspicious Looking Tissue Sniffle... Achooo!
Spooky Mod/Columbo Columbo Suspicious Looking Brownie The creature lurks behind you
Spooky Mod/Cornelious the Fly Cornelious the Fly Daffodil Sprout He hovers around you menacingly
Spooky Mod/Floating Skull Floating Skull Skull Key He spins for eternity
Spooky Mod/Glow In The Dark Sticky Eye (buff) Glow In The Dark Sticky Eye Glow In The Dark Sticky Eye May contain toxic chemicals
Spooky Mod/Goofy Fuzz Bat Goofy Fuzz Bat Ball of Fuzz It doesn't know why, but it likes following you
Spooky Mod/Guardian Guardian Red Tool The newmaker
Spooky Mod/Little Ghost Little Ghost Spooky Ghost A spooky little ghost will guide you
Spooky Mod/Marvin Marvin Green Tool Marvin picks up tool
Spooky Mod/Mini Spirit Mini Spirit Spirit Lantern The mini spirit lingers around you
Spooky Mod/Orroboro Ring (buff) Orroboro Ring Orroboro Ring The worms are slowly consuming each other
Spooky Mod/Petscop Tiara Buff Petscop Tiara Buff Pink Tool Tiara plays bad music too
Spooky Mod/Pollinator Bee (buff) Pollinator Bee Honeycomb Chunk Its attracted to your honeycomb
Spooky Mod/Putty Slime Squad Putty Slime Squad Tub of Putty The putties are hopping along with you
Spooky Mod/Shroom Hopper (buff) Shroom Hopper Yellow Spore It likes your spore
Spooky Mod/Skull Goop Skull Goop Slightly Dissolved Bone The mysterious goop slithers behind you
Spooky Mod/Tiny Rot Gourd Tiny Rot Gourd Rotten Gourd Smelly, but cute
Spooky Mod/Von Anguston VI Von Anguston VI Ghastly Bean Ancient royalty is following you
Spooky Mod/Zombie Nose Cultist Zombie Nose Cultist Oddly Shaped Brain It probably wants its brain back

From Mounts

Buff From Tooltip
Spooky Mod/Trapdoor Spider Mount Trapdoor Spider Mount Old Saddle Arachnophobes beware!

Enemy exclusive

These buffs can only be applied by certain enemies to themselves or other enemies.

Buff From Effect Duration
Spooky Mod/Flesh Bolster Buff Flesh Bolster Buff Flesh Bolster Immunity to damage Infinite (while attached)
Spooky Mod/Pollenation Damage Pollenation Damage Pollinator Bee +75% damage 10 seconds
Spooky Mod/Pollenation Healing Pollenation Healing Pollinator Bee +25 HP/s health regeneraion 10 seconds