Brainy in a Jar (Spooky Mod)

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Brainy in a Jar
  • Brainy in a Jar item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage200 (Summon)
Knockback6 (Average)
Use time45 (Very slow)
TooltipSummons brainy the brain to hover around you
Every minute, he will convulsate, causing all of your existing minions to explode
Each explosions damage will scale further based on each individual minion's damage
Brainy does not take up any minion slots
Grants BuffSpooky Mod/BrainyBrainy
Buff tooltipBrainy suspiciously follows you
RarityRarity level: 8
Research1 required
Summons Minion
  • Brainy
    Brainy (minion) (Spooky Mod).gif
Creates Projectile
  • Brain Explosion
    Brain Explosion (Spooky Mod).gif
Not to be confused with Brain in a Jar, a pet-summoning item.

The Brainy in a Jar is a Hardmode summon weapon found in the Dungeon's Eye Valley Chest, which can be opened with the Eye Valley Key after Plantera has been defeated. When used, it throws a Brainy Jar that summons a Brainy minion upon impact with a tile. Brainy cannot deal damage on its own and will convulsate every minute, causing all other minions to explode, dealing damage equal to the sum of Brainy's and that minion's damage. The explosion kills affected minions, requiring the player to re-summon them. Additionally, Brainy does not take up any minion slots and only 1 Brainy can exist at a time.

Its best modifier is Ruthless. The Mythical modifier provides the widest array of stats bonuses, but these primarily affect the initial summon rather than the resulting minion. Additionally, minions cannot deal critical hits. The only significant advantage a Mythical Brainy in a Jar has over a Ruthless one is knockback.


  • The Jar thrown on the initial use of the item can deal damage to enemies.


  • This weapons is best paired with minions that attack at close range, as they have a higher likelihood of catching enemies in the explosion's radius.