Big Bone (Spooky Mod)

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Big Bone
Big Bone (Spooky Mod).png
Big Bone Map Icon (Spooky Mod).png
Map Icon
Damage70 / 140 / 210
60 / 130 / 200 (Solar Blast)
90 / 160 / 230 (Solar Thorn)
100 / 170 / 240 (Massive Flame Blast)
Max Life72,000 / 108,000 / 137,700
KB Resist100%
Inflicts DebuffOn Fire!On Fire!
Duration5 / 10 / 12.5 seconds (Flaming Skull Wisp, Solar Blast, Solar Thorn)
10 / 20 / 25 seconds (Flame Blast, Massive Flame Blast)
8-15 / 16-30 / 20-37.5 seconds (Inferno Blast)
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Immune toConfusedPoisonedOn Fire!HellfireFrostburnFrostbiteCursed InfernoIchor (debuff)Shadowflame

The long lost brother of little bone who is trapped away in the catacombs due to his immense power. His floral magicks have taken over the catacombs, spreading strange plant life all throughout.

BestiaryBestiary (Big Bone)

Big Bone is a Hardmode boss intended to be fought after Golem.

While Big Bone is alive, his exclusive music Doom Abloom will play.


Big Bone's pot can be found in his arena at the bottom of the Lower Catacombs. Using Freaky Fertilizer within 20 tiles of his flower pot will awaken him and begin the fight.


Big Bone is a giant skull tethered to his flower pot via a stem. Only the head deals contact damage. Big Bone will alternate between the following attacks in a random order:

  • Shoots 3 bursts of 5 Flower (Spooky Mod).pngBouncing Flowers in a spread aimed directly at the player. The Flowers can bounce off tiles 2 times and will last for 3 seconds.
  • Summons Skull Wisp (Spooky Mod).pngSkull Wisps that orbit Big Bone before being flung directly at the player.
  • Creates 5 Telegraph (2) (Spooky Mod).pngtelegraphs around the player's position and shoots Thorn Vine (Spooky Mod).pngThorn Vines at them shortly after, repeating 3 more times.
  • Fires a stream of Razor Rose (Spooky Mod).pngRazor Roses for 2.5 seconds in a direction indicated by a Telegraph (4) (Spooky Mod).pngtelegraph.
  • Launches a total of 19 arcing Bouncing Bone (Spooky Mod).pngBouncing Bones in random directions.
  • Casts 3 Flame Blast (Spooky Mod).gifFlame Blasts that quickly accelerate towards the player. Flame Blasts create a lingering Inferno Blast upon impact with a tile.
  • Throws a total of 12 Flower Seed (Healing) (Spooky Mod).pngFlower Seeds that sprout into Spooky Mod/Healing FlowerHealing Flowers. After 6 seconds, Healing Flowers will begin restoring 25 / 35 / 45 life to Big Bone every 2 seconds. If a Flower has been alive for longer than 12 or 18 seconds, its healing will be increased to 35 / 45 / 55 or 45 / 55 / 65 respectively.
  • Charges for a second before slamming his head into the player.

Upon reaching 50% of his maximum life, Big Bone will become invulnerable and summon 5 Spooky Mod/Solar FlowerSolar Flowers around himself. Solar Flowers provide Big Bone with a shield that makes him impervious to damage and will periodically cast Solar Blasts that can bounce off tiles. Big Bone will remain stationary while periodically launching a barrage of Flower Spore (Spooky Mod).pngFlower Spores at the player. If there are 3 or less Solar Flowers remaining, Big Bone will additionally fire a Flame Blast (Massive) (Spooky Mod).gifMassive Flame Blast that explodes into 6 Solar Blasts and an Inferno Blast upon impact with a tile. After defeating all Solar Flowers, Big Bone will become susceptible to damage again and will begin phase 2, performing the following attacks in random order:

  • Shoots 3 bursts of 3 Flower (Homing) (Spooky Mod).pngHoming Flowers in a spread aimed directly at the player. The Flowers will decelerate before changing their direction and flying directly at the player at high speed, being able to bounce off tiles.
  • Summons Flaming Skull Wisp (Spooky Mod).pngFlaming Skull Wisps that orbit Big Bone before being flung in random directions. The Wisps additionally inflict the On Fire! debuff on hit.
  • Creates a circle of Solar Thorn (Spooky Mod).pngSolar Thorns around himself with a random gap in it. The Thorns will extend across the arena after 3 seconds, with the player having to stay in the gap to avoid damage.
  • Locks onto the player's position and fires a continuous stream of Flower Spore (Spooky Mod).pngFire Roses at them for 2.33 seconds.
  • Launches a total of 26 arcing Bouncing Bones in random directions.
  • Casts a Massive Flame Blast that homes in on the player and explodes into 6 Solar Blasts and an Inferno Blast.
  • Throws a total of 12 Flower Seed (Defensive) (Spooky Mod).pngFlower Seeds that sprout into Spooky Mod/Defensive FlowerDefensive Flowers. The Flowers grant Big Bone invulnerability while they are alive.
  • Charges for a second before slamming his head into the player, predicting their position.


Healing Flower
Healing Flower (Spooky Mod).png
Max Life1,300
KB Resist100%
Solar Flower
Solar Flower (Spooky Mod).png
Damage60 (Solar Blast)
Max Life5,200
KB Resist100%
Inflicts DebuffOn Fire!On Fire!
Duration5 / 10 / 12.5 seconds (Solar Blast)
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Defensive Flower
Defensive Flower (Spooky Mod).png
Max Life1,450
KB Resist100%
