Strange Spider Egg (Spooky Mod)

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Strange Spider Egg
  • Strange Spider Egg item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage13 (Summon)
Knockback1 (Extremely weak)
Use time35 (Slow)
TooltipThrow an egg that hatches into some baby spider minions
Each baby spider only takes half of a minion slot
Grants BuffSpooky Mod/Baby SpidersBaby Spiders
Buff tooltipThey have imprinted on you
RarityRarity level: 1
Research1 required
Summons Minion
  • Baby Spiders
    Baby Spiders (minion) (Spooky Mod).gif

The Strange Spider Egg is a craftable pre-Hardmode summon weapon. When used, it throws a harmless spider egg that summons 2 Baby Spider minions upon impact with a tile. Baby Spiders can spawn with one of three different appearances and attack by running at their target, dealing contact damage. Additionally, each Baby Spider only takes up 0.5 minion slots.

Its best modifier is Ruthless. The Mythical modifier provides the widest array of stats bonuses, but these primarily affect the initial summon rather than the resulting minion. Additionally, minions cannot deal critical hits. The only significant advantage a Mythical Strange Spider Egg has over a Ruthless one is knockback.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Spooky Mod/Strange Spider EggStrange Spider EggIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
total: 1 row(s)


  • 1.2.5: Now requires 10 Spider Chitin in its recipe instead of 5.
  • 1.1: Introduced.